On 09/14/2012 03:32 PM, wgm4u wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> On 09/14/2012 02:45 PM, Mike Dixon wrote:
>>> If Obama wants to win in November, he should (i know that reeks of TM 
>>> Speak) call Netanyahu to the White House, make a big deal of it, and plan 
>>> the Nuclear bunker-busting strike on Iran and do it as quickly as possible. 
>>> The Arabs have shot their load and are too emotionally spent, to do much of 
>>> anything, after protesting for the Prophet. They will hate him but they 
>>> will respect him for it. He can throw a bigger temper tantrum they they can 
>>> and that is what seems to talk in that part of the world. It's going to 
>>> have to be done, might as well be now. Let them wonder "was it something I 
>>> said"?
>> Mike, that would start WWIII. If Obama wants to win in November, he
>> start withdrawing our troops from around the world.  That would only
>> upset the blood lusting neocon types who I would hope would then drop
>> dead before November.
> In a high stakes poker game no-z-guru, with an attitude like that, you'd be 
> bluffed out of your shorts, for sure. Saber rattling has saved many a life, 
> somethimes you even have to take it out!

The other night I was surfing through stuff on Netflix and found "The 
Daniel Project" which is supposed be an examination of how Biblical 
prophecies have materialized.  I figured it ought to be a hoot but about 
10 minutes into the film figured it was just Zionist right wing 
propaganda.  These people really do believe that "God" made them 
superior over everyone else and that it is their role to rule the 
world.  The Amerikan arm of this is the NeoCons and I was listening to 
an interview with Dinesh D'Souza the other day.  He believes the US 
should rule to the world.  IOW, exactly what the NeoCon pigs laid our in 
their PNAC doctrine.  These people should be kicked somewhere the other 
side of Pluto because obviously they can't get along with the rest of us.

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