Ahhhhh, but the solution is SO simple, yet perhaps temporarily thwarted by my 
calling attention to it  :
  One of them has to send the other your Hawaiian guy's cool deal ;  "I'm 
sorry-- please forgive me--- Thank you---  I LOVE YOU......"
  BTW-- I use this thanks to you... 
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> Sorry, Richard but IMO Barry's not schizo.  Barry is simply like the rest of 
> us, a mix and positive and negative.  Judy too.  And yes it's often 
> perplexing to me.  But I rarely find it helpful to pull out DSM IV labels 
> (not sure that's the right number) to bolster one's argument.  None of us 
> are trained therapists, right?  And it's not helpful when Turq does it 
> either.  Just in case someone was going to waste a post bringing that to my 
> attention!
> As for the ongoing war between him and Judy, they do seem locked into it from 
> my perspective.  At this point, with my very limited knowledge, I find them 
> equally responsible in terms of keeping it going.  What to do?
> I'll soldier on with compassion and reasonableness and good humor as best I 
> can.   Bound to make mistakes.  Repeating myself.  Ugh!   
> ________________________________
>  From: Richard J. Williams <richard@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 10:40 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Perfect gig for Judy Stein -- writing for the 
> Church of $cientology
> Share Long:
> > This foul's on you, Turq...  Brain stretching to encompass 
> > such a polarity.   
> > 
> Obviously, Turq is SCHIZO! Keep in mind that Turq once was
> a defender of MMY and TM, but he turned negative after Judy
> whipped Turq real good in an argument with Andrew Skolnick;
> the final takedown before the actual melt-down came a little 
> later on on alt.religion.gnostic with Moogin and Kater.
> Ever since then,  Turq got his head on screwed on spinning 
> backwards. It's ALL about Judy. Go figure.
> > If Judy ever gets tired of correcting other people's 
> > homework and decides to try her hand at actually writing
> > something, I've got the perfect gig for her: writing 
> > angry, stinging letters to Co$ critics. 
> > 
> > The back story on this is as follows. Vanity Fair is
> > released a story about how Tom Cruise, unable to find a
> > wife for himself who was considered suitable by the 
> > Church, arranged for numerous "interview sessions" so
> > that he could "try out" pre-approved $cientologists as
> > his prospective wife, while the Church interrogated 
> > them and investigated every aspect of their lives in
> > the background. According to the article, it was a 
> > level of "vetting" that political candidates don't even
> > go through.
> > 
> > So how did the Co$ *react* to this article? Well, those
> > who have followed their exploits know that they'll prob-
> > ably react by siccing private detectives and smear 
> > artists on the article's author and on Graydon Carter,
> > the publisher of VF. What they did in public was to have
> > their lawyers send Mr. Carter a long, long, long-winded,
> > eight-page hate letter:
> > 
> > Article about the letter:
> > http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/17/church-of-scientology-responds-vanity-fair-tom-cruise-wife-auditioning_n_1889734.html
> > 
> > The letter itself:
> > http://www.scientologynews.org/sites/default/files/1-Jeff-Riffer-Re-David-Miscavige-to-Gaydon-Carter-16-Aug-2012.pdf
> > 
> > Look it over. See if you don't think that writing such 
> > letters is a PERFECT career choice for Judy Stein. I mean,
> > it's got all of her trademarks:
> > 
> > * Picking nits and homing in on them to obfuscate larger 
> > issues
> > * Trying to present the criticism as an example of religious 
> > hate crime and its authors as bigots
> > * Posting total irrelevancies lauding David Miscavige (the
> > leader of the Co$) to make him seem saintly while demonizing
> > his critics
> > * Lying outright (Miscavige has been reported as viewing
> > videotapes of auditing sessions and using them for blackmail
> > purposes *in court*, despite what this letter says)
> > * Pretending that the critics don't really believe what they
> > are saying but are lying and saying it to be malicious
> > * Appealing to a derogatory "history" of the critics that
> > is made up
> > * Portraying the author's sources in not just a derogatory
> > fashion but a libelous one, trying to portray them as "liars"
> > * Making threats 
> > * Ignoring the actual question of whether the Church tried
> > to be a matchmaker for Tom Cruise to find him a wife who
> > was "suitable" for them, focusing only on "Kill the
> > messenger"
> > 
> > This letter follows almost all of the guidelines I posted
> > (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/318903)
> > the other day from L. Ron Hubbard on how to deal with critics.
> > 
> > It also follows the Judy Stein Playbook, using the same 
> > tactics she uses here every week to demonize critics of TM,
> > the TMO, and Maharishi. That's why I think writing for the
> > Church of $cientology might be a great career choice for
> > her. She certainly has the training for it, and who knows...
> > writing for them she might accomplish what she has not here,
> > and find some people who buy her act.
> >

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