--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount <ffl.postcount@> wrote:
> >
> > Fairfield Life Post Counter
> > ===========================
> > Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 22 00:00:00 2012
> > End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 29 00:00:00 2012
> > 305 messages as of (UTC) Mon Sep 24 23:55:34 2012
> > 
> > 39 Robin Carlsen <maskedzebra@>
> >  6 maskedzebra <maskedzebra@>
> Robin, the Post Count puts you at 45, and with the 
> post you made right after the Post Count, you're at 46. 
> My faith in your not overposting is weak, but feel 
> free to surprise me.

The only thing to look forward to when Robin,
Judy, Raunchy, and Ravi go on Insanity Sprees
such as this IS them posting out. Either at 50,
or more blessedly, more than that. 

Thank God for the Posting Limits. Remember back
when Judy could go on for as long as she wanted
to with this craziness, and often did? If Rick 
hadn't come up with the the magic wand of the 
posting limits, we'd be enduring hundreds of 
more posts this week before she'd feel she'd
drawn enough blood.

I have a suggestion. We still theoretically have 
to endure four more posts from Robin and 11 more 
from Judy. But why bother? Everyone here already
knows what they'll say, and exactly who they'll 
rag on, and exactly how psychotic the posts will 
be, without even reading them. 

So why bother? Consider them "posted out" right 
now, and stop reading what they write. Think how
much better you'll feel not being yelled at by
crazy people. Just sayin'...

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