I love the following theory- Obama played a dead opossum in the first debate.

  Obama is no dummy.  Just days before the Oct. 3rd debate, the grim prospects 
for Romney caused big Republican financiers to plan to give up on Romney to 
instead divert money meant for Romney toward Republican Congressional races.    
Obama wants fewer Congressional Republicans rather than more following this 
election, to prevent increased opposition to his plans for the second term.  
  Romney's big first debate "win" re-inspired his financial backers to 
re-commit their financial resources to Romney; and the Republican Congressional 
races won't receive new funding, increasing the chances of Democratic 
Congressional candidates, and improving Obama's chances of success during his 
second term. 
- Mainstream  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
> Romney is ahead.  The people have spoken.  Obama is now on the spot to 
> perform better during the next debate.  If not, his gig as prez is done. 
> http://news.yahoo.com/pew-romney-leads-4-post-debate-survey-200329539--politics.html

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