Not all the new movies are releasing at theaters.  HBO had a new movie 
premier last night based on the true story about Tippi Hedren and here 
experience of working Alfred Hitchcock on "The Birds" and "Marnie."  Ol' 
Hitch was quite a bastard and had an obsession on Tippi that even his 
wife knew about.  And Tippi was not your standard Hollywood starlet, who 
started out as a fashion model,, seemed to understand the art of film 
and there are references to "film school" in the movie.  Sienna Miller 
does an excellent job playing Hedren and Toby Jones an excellent job 
playing Hitch.  And they did an excellent job of casting the young 
Melanie who looks Melanie would have looked back then.

This is an intriguing story if you are a film buff.  It was amazing what 
Hedren went through just to star in Hitchcock's films.

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