Today's koan:  Maharishi explains there's 100% determinism, 100% free will.  I 
love these paradoxes!

Gangaji said, and I'm paraphrasing:  if you think you're the doer, then it's 
better if you do what you think is right to do.

B, what comes out of the jello first, sound or light?

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Coup de foudre

On 10/22/2012 07:59 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> I had an interesting experience this morning, interesting primarily
> because I've only had such an experience a few times in my life, and
> it's been a long time since the last one.
> I was out walking in my neighborhood and saw a woman approaching on a
> bakfiets (a bicycle with a passenger compartment on the front, similar
> to the Babboe I posted about earlier). She had two small kids -- boys, I
> think -- in the compartment, but to tell the truth I'm not sure they
> were boys because I couldn't take my eyes off of her face. I found her
> incredibly beautiful. Not in a supermodel or actress sort of way, more a
> "Wow...this is a very real and interesting person" sort of way. And not
> in the least in a lustful sort of way. She just instantly captured my
> interest, so I smiled. She smiled back, and then pedaled past me and
> turned down a street parallel to mine.
> Unwilling to part with that delightful second of appreciation, I turned
> to watch her pedal away. She turned to look at me, too. We both smiled
> again, and then she pedaled on.
> That's all. You were maybe expecting her to have stopped and asked me to
> feel her ass?  :-)
> That short interaction may not sound like much of a moment to others,
> but to me it's of interest because several times in my life such a
> moment of mutual recognition and appreciation has led to wonderful and
> memorable love affairs.
> One of those times, interestingly enough, occurred on an ATR course of
> at the old Cobb Mountain TM facility. It was the first day, and never
> having been there before I was walking around checking things out. She
> walked by me, I got that powerful "flash of recognition" feeling, and
> then she'd walked past. No smiles this time; there wasn't really time.
> But the flash was enough to stop me in my tracks and cause me to turn
> around and look at her walking away. But she wasn't walking away. She
> had stopped and turned around and was looking at me, too. We didn't hook
> up on that course, but we did later, and it was memorable indeed, at
> least from my side. Lovely woman.
> So I never ignore such moments. I may never see this woman in Leiden
> again, but if I don't it really doesn't matter. In my experience such
> moments are timeless, in the sense that they quite possibly cut across
> the boundaries of one incarnation and intrude with memories of another.
> If we run into one another again in this incarnation, I'll get to see
> what happens. If not, that's what future incarnations are for. :-)

You hate jyotish but then I wouldn't be surprised if your horoscope 
shows a "sanyasi yoga" or at least a weak 7th lord which means that your 
life isn't set up for long term relationships such as marriage.   And if 
you attempted marriage it might well end in divorce.  One of the most 
common questions astrologers get is "will I ever be married?"  And in 
every case where that question came up I could see that the horoscope 
didn't support it.  Which is why they asked the question in the first 
place.  That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try but it is getting a 
little late in the day. ;-)

I was thinking about the free will and pre-destiny issue the other day 
and thinking that one problem is that people think of the transcendent 
like it is air.  Try thinking of it as jello and we are being wiggled 
around by its shaking.  That's what we experience as "life."  In that 
context the next thought you have was predetermined at the inception of 
the universe when the fundamental tone was struck.  We are nothing but 
part of the overtones.  I had that thought years ago and learned a while 
back that physicists labeled it "string theory" in it is like a string 
being struck.  Makes sense to me.  But enjoy life anyway as if there is 
free will.


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