--- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> First of all, I myself heard someone challenge Maharishi.  It was at a 
> physics conference in fall of 1975.  Someone asked Maharishi what we would do 
> if it turned out the ideas were all wrong.  To which Maharishi replied and 
> I'm paraphrasing:  then we'll have to start all over again.
> Plus I've heard of people disagreeing with Maharishi.  For example, someone 
> challenged Maharishi about the sweet truth saying that sometimes the truth is 
> not sweet.  To which Maharishi replied that if it's not sweet, it's not 
> true.  Another great koan in my book. 
> Here's the more complete story about personal control and will of God:
> People were at a long rounding course in Europe and someone complained about 
> people slamming their doors during program time.  To which Maharishi said 
> people shouldn't slam their doors.  Then someone else, challenging Maharishi, 
> said, Well Maharishi what about the noisy construction next door?  To which 
> Maharishi said, "What we have no control over, we take to be the will of 
> God."  And the second part of Maharishi's reply I will paraphrase:  But what 
> we have control over, we do something about.
> I'm replying like this, Robin because I have not received your post in my 
> inbox, only in archives.  Not sure about replying from archives.  Does that 
> work the same? 

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