regardless of who wins and who predicts correctly, bottom line is that it's a 
50/50 chance on the prediction, and I mean that almost literally.  I've seen a 
few sites that are saying there's a very good possibility that we could have an 
electorate tie of 269-269.  It would require Romney to win specific swing 
states, and he IS gaining momentum there.  

What's scary is all the potential riots.  Because if there's a tie, it will go 
to Mitt Romney.  The reason is because if there is a tie, the vote goes to the 
House of Representatives, which is currently GOP dominated.  I remember all the 
anger and commotion in 2000, and we were only 5 trillion in debt then, and no 
major wars & no major economic downfall.  If there's a tie and the House elects 
Romney, I can see things turning ugly real fast.  


--- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@> wrote:
> >
> > sigh, this jyotishi thinks Romney will win.
> And, Chakrapani thinks Obama will win.

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