Dear Friends

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A request for the performance of Maharishi Yagyas to support California 
Proposition 37 requiring the labeling of food containing GMO (genetically 
engineered ingredients) has been submitted and approved. 

The Yagyas must be organized in a very short time in order to have the desired 

For more information and to make a donation go to

Passage of the labeling of GMO is facing extreme resistance by the 
Agri-chemical industry, large food corporations, and the Grocery Manufacturers 
Association. In the past 5 days alone the opposition to labeling has raised 
more money than the supporters of labeling have raised during the entire year. 
$41 million dollars has been raised to defeat labeling of GMO's, only $5 
million in support of labeling. 

Voter approval of labeling, once over 90% is now under 50%.

'Political wisdom' states "When there's an initiative that's going to affect an 
industry that can rally resources, they've usually been able to stop it. 
(Proposition 37) still could go either way".

You can make a difference. How? 

By donating to these Maharishi Yagyas supporting the labeling of GMO.

The purpose of Yagya is to transform negative conditions into positive outcomes.

It is our desire that these Yagyas will ensure that all citizens of our nation 
have the right to know if GMO is in their food. We also hope this will be the 
turning point for those corporations committed to genetic engineering as their 
primary business strategy, that they will awake to the much greater business 
opportunities that lie ahead for Global Reconstruction and the restoration of 
bio-diversity in agriculture.

Join us.

DONATE at the following website, and forward this email to all of the people 
you know who understand the value and power of Maharishi Yagya.

Thank you! Your donation is in all of our interests.

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