Good stuff here (and lots of times I think you say things worth saying). Susan 
and I both appreciate what you write--no matter what other people say. They 
obviously miss the point of most of your posts. Ever heard of projection? These 
bitter and angry posters, they show much more about themselves than anything 
about you when they write what they write about you. I know somewhere it hurts 
to be so misunderstood--unless you have somehow steeled yourself by now and no 
longer find yourself bewildered by the inexplicable hostility directed your 
way. I almost believe this is the case. And good for you! 

I think personally these people are sick, and the fact that you keep coming 
back and not changing your way of being yourself--this is not only commendable; 
in some sense I feel it is heroic. It sure feels like that to me. I think 
anyone who cannot see the value of your supposedly 'negative' posts, is missing 
out entirely on your intention there, which is always to provoke the poster 
into thinking about themselves (which otherwise they would never consider had 
it not been for your post). This theme of certain persons borrowing their ideas 
from someone else (not having any "original" ideas)--I find that especially 

But over-all your posts are quite wonderful--and all I can say, Barry, is: *at 
least you know this*. I think it takes a kind of inner strength and beauty of 
soul to write the posts that you write. I mean: *someone has to do it*. Why not 
the one truly spiritual person on this forum (now that Curtis is temporarily 
incommunicado)? One of his chief virtues (among many) is his loyalty to you, 
and I think he knows how much this means to you. But you, Barry, I think 
Khazana has not gone nearly far enough--not even Susan has:--you are a model 
for all of us. Your sensitivity is so extraordinary that you are willing to 
draw out the venom that is inside these persons--and take that venom upon 

No, Barry, your actual vulnerability and lovingness, it shames all of us. If 
these hateful posters only knew. I say we should have a Barry Wright Day once a 
year--why not on Christmas Day?--when we simply celebrate the secret sensations 
of joy and wonder that is the real experience of all of us (who are honest with 
ourselves) when reading one of your posts. I think your posts of today are 
exemplary in this regard. Barry, I feel I am almost in love with you--I mean 
you are the incognito saint on FFL. 

I say the Baby Jesus would feel honoured to co-celebrate his birthday with 
Barry Wright Day on Fairfield Life. We could even given presents to each other.

In closing here, Barry, know that you thrill me with your tenderness and 
perceptiveness. I want this post of mine to touch the conscience of your false 
critics. The blessings of the hearts of those who really understand you, 
Barry--and there are a number of us (surely you know this)--go out to you. Just 
a good human being you are, Barry. Thank you for existing.  No one could have 
added more to this forum than you have. I am with you, Barry. If I were a woman 
I would come to Holland this very day to ask you to marry me.

Love and admiration,


--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> A more serious reply this time...  
> --- In, khazana108 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, sure, that's the way it is. So in this particular 
> > case of Barry, I wanted to give an example, about *what 
> > I like about him*, what I see as a good quality in him. 
> > That is, this innocence in sharing this moment...
> That's one of the primary reasons I stick around
> here...just to "post in the moment." As I've said
> many times and no one here but Curtis and perhaps
> yourself seem to get, *I get off on the writing*. 
> I am not looking for a particular response, or a 
> response at all. I just like the writing *process*.
> It's a real high. 
> > ...
> > I wrote this post, right after reading one of those 
> > criticisms on him, how he is ONLY BAD, how he would be 
> > only out to hurt other people, as if he would be some 
> > kind of a sadist. He is not. There are other motivations 
> > within him, people tend to oversee, and I have tried 
> > to point these out. ...
> And thanks, I guess, but it won't do any good. A
> few people "see me the way they see me," and that 
> is never going to change. Nor do I wish it to. It
> is their right to see me any way they want, and I
> honestly don't care enough about how they see me
> to wish to change it.
> > ...
> > With Barry, you can be sure, you would get a bunch 
> > of funny posts, but also many posts which contain 
> > perennial wisdom, which are mostly applicable also in 
> > a larger context that goes beyond only this forum. 
> > Something that warns you to not fall into spiritual traps. 
> > That is how I read him. 
> Which is your right, and I'm not going to dispute an
> occasional attempt on my part to warn people about the
> traps they are about to fall into or have already 
> fallen into. 
> For example, my most serious post yesterday was one 
> that most people probably thought was either a total
> dig or a total goof because of the photos of the 
> burgers at the end. But I was being completely ( well,
> almost completely :-) serious in that post. I really
> DO believe that many posters on FFL are missing out 
> on the joy of first *having* their own ideas, and then
> trying to express them in writing. 
> I'm not quite sure whether they NEVER had any ideas of
> their own or whether they've just fallen out of the
> habit of having them, but whatever the reason they don't
> seem to have them any more. So they've settled for a
> never-changing game of using Other People's Ideas in
> pretty much *exactly* the same way that a masturbator
> uses porn -- to *simulate* thoughts and emotions they
> can no longer feel on their own, without the porn.
> Some people on FFL seem to have gotten caught in the 
> trap of *relying on other posters* to help them get off.
> Either they're lying in wait for someone they can have
> an argument with, or lying in wait for an opportunity
> to diss one of their "enemies." But either way, the
> other poster is effectively their porn. They *need* 
> the porn to stimulate enough reactive ideas to hide
> the fact that they no longer have any ideas of their
> own. 
> I think this is sad. 
> What *happened* to these people that they don't have any
> ideas of their own any more, and now have to rely on 
> other people to "get it up" enough to have something to
> post here? Do they really NOT have original, creative 
> ideas any more? I find that incomprehensible, because I
> almost can't *stop* the flow of fairly original ideas
> popping into my mind. 
> There are more fun things to write about than revenge 
> fantasies and the constant regurgitation of long-held
> grudges. There are other ways to interact with other
> posters than trying to lure them into an argument or
> "confrontation" that either party believes they can 
> "win." It's just so SAD sometimes to see people *settle*
> for the limited states of mind they settle for here.

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