In a message dated 9/2/05 8:48:50 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
It's not just the National Guard, it's the FEMA
people and the military.  Tuesday morning, to anyone
paying attention, it was obvious that *massive* aid
was going to be needed in a big hurry.

All  the FEMA people do is have you fill out forms and basically do paper work .It's the National Guard that comes in and restores order and brings immediate relief supplies like food and water and emergency shelter and rescue work. I don't doubt the National Guard was on stand by before the Hurricane ever hit but I'm pretty darn sure they had not been called up at that point. That is the responsibility of the Governor of the state to do that, if they think they are needed. Monday came and everybody breathed a sigh of relief. Chances are so did the National Guard. At that point all it looked like was some clean up and restoring electricity which would have been done by the private sector. I have no doubt the Governor called the Guard up as soon as she assessed the situation on Tuesday. Still we're talking a few days to organize, supply up and get to the city. As for the scum that was shooting and delaying rescue efforts, I said in an earlier post that one helicopter pilot tried to make a drop and was scared off when his chopper was rushed by a bunch of thugs with guns. I have no doubt this is why you couldn't get people, to fly in food and water to the dome, where a national Guardsman had been shot, until law and order were restored and that wasn't going to happen till National Guard MP's arrived.  As for using the Military, I assume you mean regular army, I'm pretty sure that would be illegal. I'm pretty sure they can't be used for domestic situations. That is the purpose of the Guard. The emergency didn't happen until the flood sometime Tuesday and from then till Friday morning is not bad response time for Guard especially since  the Guard doesn't live on basis but rather in their homes all over the state and need time to report for duty. I still think had the scum buckets not been shooting, things would have gone much smoother on Wednesday and Thursday and flying in  food, water and medicine to the dome would have been a snap. Also buses could have started moving people from the dome as well on Wednesday. Bus drivers had refused to go near the dome when they heard about the shootings. That's why they have been stuck there and people in other location have been boarding buses and dispersing. I've even heard they have been leaving on trains as well.

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