> Gaza missiles fired at Tel Aviv
> Militants target Tel Aviv with missiles fired from the Gaza Strip, while 
> Israel authorizes the call-up of 30,000 reservists.
>  Israel calls up army reservists.

The time has come to Mobilize for collective coherence. Friends, in pursuit of 
a lasting peace on earth we are moving forward with bringing light to darkness. 
Do not abandon the Field. Nay rather come sit up, meditate and radiate that 
coherence so evident in the Unified Field with us all. We're all in this 
For our families, our partners, our friends and all that we hold
dear take courage, waver not and we'll have the victory of a heaven on earth 
before there need be any more war. It is time. 
Our meditation and our science are great. The experience we have of the Unified 
Field is unbounded.  We are going forward to lay claim on a New Jerusalem here 
on earth. 
Om Jerusalem! Om Zion! That Heavenly City of Peace on Earth will be ours. We 
cannot give up now or give up on the fight along the way now. We have come Too 
far to let our hearts or light grow faint. We need you to come meditate to help 
us all. It is for the grace of the Unified Field we now fight. This is what we 
meditate for. Come make this one stand and be with us in meditation to move 
this light forward. Fire up now and git ready to go, come and Be with us in
meditation. The Dome Doors open at 7am and 4pm again. Everyday.
-Buck in the Dome

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