I'm a yogi. I can prove it.

No! Wait! Stop!


A genuine, miracle working, unbelievably empowered, yogi.

Proof that you will not only believe, but a singularly specific-to-you
proof that only you CAN believe. Scratch that, no belief will be
necessary. This proof results in KNOWING.

For instance:

If you can remember what you had for lunch today, you might be a yogi.

Yogis know that memory is the constant proof that we're all miraculous.

You have 50,000,000,000,000 cells in your body.

Who's keeping track, eh? How does this stupendous thingie not collapse
due to the sheer weight of its processing burdens?

And yet in the midst of unfathomable activity that involves zillions of
processes that ARE ALWAYS DONE WELL, you, dear yogi, can just say to
that hugeness: "Hey, was it a ham on rye that I had?"

And the brain does what?  Without missing a beat, without stopping
anything important, it goes straight to the answer.

And you insist you have no powers of the mind that are astounding.

Tsk. Tsk. As if.

And the yogi sees the fantastic operations of the brain as "not me."

The yogi knows that it's all running on automatic and that his core
identity is silent non-doingness.

That's the difference between "you the yogi" and a "professional yogi."
He says "my lights are on but no one is home." You say:

"I lit the lights." "I own this mind." "I am my thoughts." etc.

But both of you still live inside a divine ape of equal ability.

(This is the first of a series I'll be posting here.  I post them on
Facebook to a crowd of non-believers just to see what they do with this

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