How we live our lives?

[ As I see it the most important question for all people, religionists
or not, is how we live our lives; not what we are. In which case all the
mystical aspects are totally academic. ]

I would imagine that many people might agree with you; for a while. But
I don't. What factors are involved in how we live our lives? Why are
those factors the way they are? How did those factors become the way
they are? Is all that totally academic? As far as I am concerned then
the question of how best to live our lives is one of the four or five
main perennial questions; but it is only one of them.  Can one really
isolate one of them to become dominant and disregard the rest when in
fact they are all linked up in one mysterious web of causal process? It
could well be the case you know that I am even more concerned with the
question of HOW we live our lives than you are :- ) And have been so for
a very long time. But I have no intention of throwing any of the pieces
of the jig-saw out of the equation and thence ignoring them.

You bring up the `mystical aspects'.  Do you know them?  If you did then
you would know the effects of them, and those effects come to dominate
the way we live our lives.  You seem to be ignoring that totally :- ) So
how would that be totally academic in the question of how we live our
lives? If one could isolate just one aspect to make it the dominant one
then that would be it – knowing what you are and where you come
from. Ipso.

Health is another of the major factors in how we live our life. So too
is politics. So too is age and maturity. The chance to live here long
enough to establish maturity.  But the mystical life dominates those two
factors. Tell me that it isn't so when you know it and live it. Take
such things as love and beauty for example (essential qualities found in
the Ground of our Being of what we are – a mystical experience) are
they not important in how we live our lives?  Are they totally academic?
No sir; knowing what you are and where you come from and how you fit in
with it all are NOT academic, let alone totally academic. And they DO
come to dominate the way we live our life; by effect.  One day you might
come to agree with me, but there will never come a day when I will come
to agree with you. Judge a meal after you have had it, not before you
have had it.

Dick Richardson

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