When the student is ready?

[ Dedem.

             What do you make of this famous statement, supposed to be
occult, esoteric, arcane or mystical, which ever it is or all of the
question Sir, because it seems to me that you by your experience ,you
have debunked that statement of age old schools of Occultism and
Mysticism, and even dangerous religion.

A nice Sunday Sir. Here in Nigeria where I stay in the semi savannah
region, it's blistering hot outside, I don't wish to have any reason to
go outdoors. The cold winter must be creeping in on you over there. Well
that's the way it has always been, I wish a godo could make it milder in
both situations. Mind you Sir I did not say Amen. HAND  Obi. ]

Quite a nice day here today too Sir, and thank you for the email. A few
moments ago I switched on the BBC TV News and found it was the
Remembrance Day, Eleven of the hour on the eleventh of the eleventh.
Contingencies there from all over the world, and of course the
Commonwealth of Nations. They sure know how to put on a spectacle of
pageantry, and it is very moving. And when Big Ben struck eleven and the
silence of remembrance began for all those who fought and died in world
wars for freedom it was not a dry eye affair. I would be happy stand
among them were it not dominated by religious blurb. But they know
nothing else. So I can understand that well enough.  I would be quite
happy to say Amen,  meaning SO BE IT, but the question is SO BE IT to
WHAT?  I know what I would say SO BE IT to.  But they don't know as to
what I would say SO BE IT to.  But I do. So, I look forward to the days
when people can live together in peace on earth. And Amen to that.

When the pupil is ready?  I have to tell of what I found and nothing
more, and nothing less. But in life I found that when somebody is ready
and open and willing to learn then more learning comes along. Some call
that mystical. I call it natural.

Yes, the winter is creeping in here slowly, but like all the seasons it
has its charms and works its way on things; as all seasons do.  We have
warm skins which we can put on to survive the cold.  But I never forget
that under all the snow there lays the Rose waiting its time to bloom. 
And it does when its time is ready. And the Last Rose of Summer is but
the seed of the next one. When all seems quiet and still there is much
going on which the eye does not see. As it does in all life and all

As for the `mystical insights' then it is nothing more than seeing
beyond the Veil of Time. Even a Cockney kid from the slums of London can
do it. One does not need a man made education for that procedure to
happen. And that is the truth of it. And let it remain so for ever more.
Amen to that.

Best wishes to you and yours Sir, and many your country prosper. Thanks
for the name by the way, I will wear it with pride and dignity.

Merlin of Exmoor.

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