> > > What, if any, is your favorite MAV product? :o
> > >
> > My favorite MAV product is MAK 5 boiled well into
> > a decoction that you can drink with MAV Kaptha Tea.
> > 
> > Everyone knows that the sacramental basis of the Vedic 
> > Religion was the preparation and consumption of a 
> > decoction obtained by mixing the juices of various 
> > psychoactive ingredients, one of which may have been 
> > Cannabis Indica, a species of weed, or a beverage 
> > prepared by extracting the juice from the Amanita 
> > Muscaria, a magic fungus, which together produced the 
> > substance 'Soma'  mentioned on numerous occasions in 
> > South Asian sacred scripture.
> > 
> > So, what do we know about Soma?
> > 
> > In this sadhu's (good fellow) humble opinion, this 
> > 'ur-religion' does not begin with the composition of 
> > the hymns of the Vedas which are codified and arranged 
> > as we know them, termed the Rik, when the Aryans 
> > arrived in modern Pakistan, but much further back in 
> > time, in the late Ice Age up in Siberia.
> > 
> > During this cold age, when people had to live most of 
> > the time deep inside caves or other dwellings, an 
> > 'inward direction' was given to their spiritual 
> > endeavors. Due to this fact, and with the aid of 
> > certain magical herbs and plants, man first invented 
> > religious reflection, geo-alchemy, and the art of 
> > placement, geo-mancy.
> > 
> > When the Aryans came down from Siberia they brought 
> > with them their shamanic religion and an urgaritic 
> > language which became the Vedic and Persian 
> > proto-religious language and later the Indo-European 
> > tongue, which includes Sanskrit, and Persian, and 
> > the dialects of Greek, Latin, German, Celtic, Irish, 
> > English, French, Hindi, Urdu and Finnish.
> >
> Oops! Finnish belongs to a language family entirely
> different from Indo-European languages like Sanskrit,
> Latin and Swedish. Or almost all European languages
> save Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian and Basque (which
> has no known linguistic relatives in the whole world), 
> and some minor Fenno-ugric languages.
Well, that just makes your linguistic accomplishments 
that much more impressive! I always thought you picked 
up Sanskrit by knowing Finnish, which turns out to be 
Uralic. Now we have someone in the group that can read
Indo-European AND Finish? Have you ever thought about
taking up Urdu? Go figure.


> But I might say its one of my pet hypotheses that
> when the ancestors of Finns lived in Siberia as
> mammoth hunters, they might have been in close
> contact with the Aryans, or whatever you like to
> call the creators of Vedic hymns and stuff.
> BTW, as I recall it, the "father" of modern homeopathy,
> Dr. Samuel Hahnemann came up with the basic idea of
> homeopathy when he noticed that in healthy individuals
> quinine caused typical symptoms of malaria. 
> He was way ahead of his time, when in addition to 
> some herbs, the only treatment for almost any illness 
> was bloodletting and stuff like that??

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