"Oh stop hating me for being abusive to idiots like you - have you ever shown 
any sensitivity to my needs? to my addictions? My Mother Kali will not 
replenish my Divine Vodka until I insult idiots like you. Stop being so 
selfish." -Ravi (11.19.12, 5:38 am)


"Emptybill, I am so honored to have been sandwiched in between Judy and Ann. I 
completely heard what you said - make no mistake and I thank you for your 
feedback. Just fyi, here is the meaning of Emely without the periods.

"emely: A word used to describe the coolest, pimpest, frickin best friend in 
the whole damn world" -Emily (11.24.12, 6:26 am)


"Dear Share: I hear you. Is this what your pastoral counselor told you to say? 
It doesn't address what was the question, and the situation has now passed, but 
what I heard was....you tiptoeing out. This is a nice sentiment and I'm glad 
you are happily back to your positive self. Compassionately, Emily." -Emily 
(11.24.12, 6:31 am)


"Dear Share and Steve: I don't know how but raunchy and Robin managed to make 
even funnier these absolutely fabulously funny posts from Judy. I guess you had 
to be there for the energy to have come across properly - or, you simply have a 
different sense of humor. Something more literal, I'm guessing. Share, notice 
that although you threw a passive-aggressive dart at Judy, considering you 
don't read her posts anymore, she responded to you up front. Compassionately, 
Emily." -Emily (11.24.12, 6:41 am)


"Dear Share: This is an important thing that raunchy said. It is good to 
collect and keep people around you that validate your perceived reality. I 
think merudanda is a woman. I could be wrong; I've been wrong before. Ha. Yes, 
I will continue to be compassionate towards you. You on the other hand 
dismissed me entirely, with this post: 'Emily, I saw all your posts just before 
I left for Iowa City. I had been planning a well thought out reply. But on the 
journey back I realized that it doesn't matter what I say. Heck, you can answer 
all those questions yourself, however you want. I don't think my input will 
make enough of an impact on you to make it worth my while to write a reply or 
worth your while to read it.'

"Yes, I asked you 'yes or no' questions. I did this because I could not figure 
out what you were saying. I, of course, had an idea that you were indirectly 
slamming a number of people, myself included, because you were angry and were 
lashing out passive-aggressively, but I wasn't sure.

"Let me assure you, that anything that you thoughtfully write to me will have 
an impact on me. This entire forum has had a tremendous impact on me over the 
last two years. It does matter what you say Share - there is no need to exit 
the conversation with this excuse. It is always worth my while to read it. I 
encourage you to stay and continue to read all the posts. I believe you are 
missing the larger picture. Compassionately, Emily." -Emily (11.24.12, 6:59 am)


"Dear Share: This post of yours below is very dismissive and demeaning. Raunchy 
was being very up front and considerate in her post to you and you provided no 
information at all about what you think. You exited stage left again. Are you 
one of those people who hold grudges for life? Thank you for your kind thoughts 
for my Thanksgiving. It was absolute hell despite the advance preparations I 
made and I will never do another one with either of my beloved parents in this 
lifetime, quite seriously. There is something about a dinner table in our 
family that is not a good thing. Luckily, I have gained immeasurable 
perspective from participating and reading everyone here at FFL, including you. 
Luckily, raunchy posted that lovely poem about rutabagas. Compassionately, 
Emily." -Emily (11.24.12, 7:09 am)


"Dear Share: do any of these states of being ring a bell for you?

"Low self esteem
Diminished self worth
Need for distraction
Dichotomous (Black or White) thinking
Feelings of emptiness
Quest for perfection
Desire to be special or unique
Need to be in control
Need for power
Desire for respect and admiration
Difficulty expressing feelings
Need for escape or a safe place to go
Lack of coping skills
Lack of trust in self and others
Terror of not measuring up

"I will not source these, but if they do ring a bell, I am aware of the reason 
behind them. There is only one solution. Rigorous honesty. Compassionately, 
Emily." -Emily (11.24.12, 7:26 am)


"I was gone for a week and I am most definitely not trying to start a fight. 
Please don't participate in creating such an "us against them" reality - this 
is a farce that most have bought into, dolt-like in my opinion. I most 
definitely am farther along the understanding of compassion than your last post 
to Share. I won't deign to repost it here. I am stating my understanding and 
reality around the host of posts that she left unanswered and unaccounted for. 
There is no need for her to respond unless she wants to. Compassionately, 
Emily" -Emily
(11.24.12, 7:30 am)


"My router went down on Thanksgiving. Right now I am connected directly to my 
modem. I have vonage, which I am determining is a huge waste of money, but I 
need a landline and it is still cheaper than the alternative. Is Linksys the 
way to go and are there any suggestions here for what to buy? I have bought an 
Epson wireless printer also, but haven't set it up yet. Any suggestions on what 
upgrade I should go for? Does the modem I have make a difference? My old router 
which gave up on me is a Linksys 2.4 ghz broadbrand and is about 6 yrs old. My 
kids are in withdrawal and just realized that I have the only connection in the 
house, so there was a bit of a skirmish tonight and I agreed to fix the problem 
ASAP. Ha." -Emily (11.24.12, 7:52 am)


So it would appear that someone might be out of Divine Vodka as a result of her 
week's absence? (Sorry Emily...the same thing could be applied to any number of 
posters here at FFL including yours truly.)

I have found that posting to FFL really *does* get me high. Why is that? Maybe 
my big ego and/or the vestiges of its attachment to my actions?

Me: "Hello, everyone. My name is LaughingGull, and I am an alcoholic."

FFL: "Hello, LaughingGull. And welcome."

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