I  have probably told this story here before, but if so it deserves
retelling again today.

I once lived in Malibu, California, and had occasion one day to go to
the local  hardware store. As I was leaving the store, this vision rode
into the  parking lot on a motor scooter, wearing a full-blown Cossack
costume,  complete with flowing robes and a two-foot-high Russian fur
hat and high  boots.

Somewhat  taken aback by this, I stopped and watched as this Cossack got
off his  motor scooter and walked in. As he passed, I noticed it was
Larry  Hagman, who I knew lived across the highway in the elite Malibu
Colony.  As he approached the double automatic doors of the hardware
store, he  raised his hands above his head in a magical gesture and said
"SHAZAM!"  The doors opened and he went in.

Real  story. I heard later that he was famous in the 'hood for doing
this --  dressing up in outlandish costumes and parading around town.
That's the  only time I ever ran into him, but it sticks in my memory.
RIP Larry,  you old Cossack, you.

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