On 11/24/2012 06:01 AM, Susan wrote:
> Just saw it on DVD from Netflix.  On the DVD we viewed, the movie ended with 
> Peter leaving the museum, holding the hand of the little girl. He is taking 
> her outside to meet Maggie, which was not the agreement.  Then the screen 
> went blank and black, finito.  It was abrupt.
> OTH, when I checked online (Wiki), the plot apparently continues, with Maggie 
> meeting the young girl, giving the secret handshake, etc.
> So, did I get a defective DVD from Netflix, and missed the last scene?  Or 
> was the official and final version as I saw it what the writers wanted?
> My take on the whole thing was that Maggie was a fraud, and was actually the 
> mother of the young girl she had Peter bring to her.

Must've been a defective disc.  Let NF know.  I rented the DVD at Redbox 
and it was OK.

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