--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <lurkernomore20002000@...> 
> And with each paragraph, Judy pulls farther and farther back on the bow.
> The bow is just creaking, creaking.  Surely it must be past the breaking
> point by now.  Beads of sweat are forming on her forehead.  Thoughts of
> a delicious victory meal of leg of lamb (rare), and a goblet of a fine
> dry wine are starting to crowd in.  (will she ever finish this damned
> post of hers...finish already woman, finish)
> Then whoooosh, the arrow flies, but as usual, falls harmlessly to the
> ground.
> Bullseye! Bullseye! she cries.  And she momentarily steps away from the
> arena.

Steve, since you never could hit the broadside of a barn with a metaphor, you 
ought to take up a hobby that doesn't involve critical thinking skills.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@>
> wrote:
> >
> > You began misinterpreting me on Sept 9 post 319521 and have continued
> to do so up to the present.  But what is the real problem is your
> asserting that your opinions, misinterpretations, POVs are the accurate
> ones, the truthful ones.
> >
> > Now about my alleged dishonesty:  I have never experienced a situation
> such as I have had with Robin.  laughinggull wrote insightfully about
> changing his opinions.  But for me about Robin, it has been more even
> than that.  Since Sept 6 I've been trying to make sense of all that has
> happened.  It has been a challenging process to understand what is going
> on within me and with him.  Your constant and vitriolic butting in has
> merely made this process more challenging.  At least for me.
> >
> > But you have little or no compassion for this.  You don't even have
> the common sense understanding that not everyone has the time to check
> archives.  Instead you call people like me and Steve lazy.  You don't
> recognize that people have imperfect memories.  Add to this your lack of
> compassion and what emerges is your calling me a liar again and again. 
> And do you really think that all the badgering and name calling really
> makes the situation better?  Oh, right, I forgot, you don't really care
> about that, do you?  Maybe you're just happy to have someone other than
> Barry to attack.
> >
> > OTOH, it's
> >  damned if I do,
> >  damned if I don't.  Meaning there's your opposite accusation that I
> think I'm all love and light or try to appear that I
> >  am.  Maybe I seem that way to you because I don't get hateful
> > and vitriolic like you do.  It's called projecting a golden shadow,
> BTW.
> >
> > About my alleged avoiding of confrontation:  I have 7 posts per day
> and lots of interesting people on FFL to respond to.  People whose
> opinion I do care about.  I am not going to waste all my posts replying
> to you because what is the point?  You are convinced that you are right
> and that I'm a liar.  Plus from that first upset you have been biased
> towards Robin.  Fine, you've known each other longer.  You have some
> strange karma to work out with each other.  Whatever!  BTW, there's a
> big difference between being loyal and being biased.  The latter is not
> healthy.
> >
> > And if I'm really such a liar, so toxic, so lacking in honesty and
> integrity, why would you even want to have any communication with me at
> all?  In some ways this is the most baffling question of all.
> >
> >
> > Now everyone, let's watch the tedious and predictable piling on that
> happens.
> >

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