--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
> > Non-meditators are the real carbon polluters behind the destruction
of the global climate. Well you know a positive scientific case could be
made that spiritual people who are regular meditators and especially
meditating on the Invincible American course are much less responsible
for global climate change than the average non-meditating American or
any other first world or developing nation peoples.  Simply on a
materialistic level of gross consumption, that anyone who is on the full
schedule of meditation in the Domes contributing to world peace
otherwise in fact creates much less carbon damage to the atmosphere and
global climate than the average CO2 emitting consuming American.  At a
minimum, people on the Invincible America course simply do not have the
time to consume materially like non-meditaters do.
> > -Buck
> Come on Buck, all those cars driving to the dome every day? This is
simple physics. We exhale CO2 so meditators and non-meditators probably
are similar, though meditators probably exhale a bit less, but it
depends on how much activity you are engaged in. How much you drive CO2
emitting vehicles, how much you fly in airplanes, how much electricity
you use from coal burning utility companies. Whether you have a
fireplace and/or stove burning wood or gas. People who meditate a lot
probably are less active, so I grant you that one.
> MMY used to dump lots of CO2 in the air when the movement had the jet.
I meditate a lot, but when I work I have to drive. Today I must drive
about 100 miles (160km). It depends on what you do to stay alive. Also,
whoever supports people on courses must have to do things that keep the
cash flowing, and they generate CO2. People who live in assisted living
facilities probably do not use much resources either, as they are old,
don't drive much or at all, have communally produced meals etc.
Prisoners locked in cells don't generate much CO2 either, probably less
than meditators since they have no options for travel.

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