Thank you Share:  You are not stepping over a line here and I appreciate the 
thought.  I used to journal in free association and should get back to it.  I 
spent time too afraid to put anything in writing for a long while and then of 
course there were the many months I was experiencing brain fog.  (Now, when I 
write, I tend to make lists and only lists.  Ha.)  FFL has helped cured me of 
this, but I often include more personal information here than I personally 
think wise (although I continue to do it).  It's a form of me saying to myself 
that I exist.  So, luckily, most people here ignore it, which I like.  Ann does 
have a way of stating my experiences back to me better than I do myself.  She's 
good like that.  

I don't know anything about Natalie Goldberg, but I will look her up.  

 From: Share Long <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 8:54 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Emily just tell me to butt out

 if I'm stepping over a line here, and I don't know all the circumstances of 
your life, but I was just thinking about the womens writing group I participate 
in every Monday afternoon.  It was started by one of my best friends who I've 
known since 1980 when I was Director of Housing at MIU and she was Director of 
Housekeeping.  Oh what fun we had!  And yes we've had our ups and downs over 
the 32 years.  She's one of the old friends I saw Breaking Dawn with.

Anyway about 10 or 15 years ago she started organizing writing groups for 
women.  And she charges money for them!  We do free writing as delineated by 
Natalie Goldberg which means one keeps the pen or pencil moving no matter 
what.  Or fingers if one is on a computer.

It is a very incredible process and I think you'd be a natural at leading such 
groups.  I can say more if you want.  


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