Wow - wonder who's point of view is the true one?

 From: nablusoss1008 <>
Sent: Sunday, December 9, 2012 6:28 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: And so this is Christmas


--- In, "feste37" <feste37@...> wrote:
> If MMY did have a negative view of Christianity it was because of what he saw 
> as its emphasis on suffering, which was directly contrary to his message that 
> life is bliss. In that sense he had a disagreement with the interpreters of 
> Christianity down through the ages, not with the founder himself. In an 
> interview with a Swiss journalist in Majorca on November 23, 1971, Maharishi 
> said, "I love Christ very much." He also said in the same interview, "TM is a 
> friend of Christianity because it takes awareness to the field that Christ 
> wanted everyone to enjoy." Then he added,"No Christian should suffer; it is 
> not necessary. It is not good to propagate suffering in the name of Christ." 
> He also used to refer to Christ as "Lord Christ."

Maharishi on Christianity:


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