One thing that may be helpful;
In our analysis of Bushy, and what is happening and what has 
One thing I heard, is that George Bush, is embodying, everything, 
about the "old system; old paradigm", that needs changing.
Like the dying "Old Guard"; he 'stays the course' and holds the 
vibration of this old dying paradigm.
So, in a way, he is helping to reveal, what doesn't work anymore.
He is helping us all to see the hypocrisy of it all.
So, like Hitler, who gave us an example, of what not to do, what not 
to be; 
We now have our George, 'keeping the course', as we watch the whole 
thing collapses.
And it is true, that the more Satva, that is created in the 
The faster the collapse of the old hypocrisy will commence.

I personally never took it lightly, that Maharishi, felt so strongly 
on this matter;

Although, before George Bush was elected, I had thought that he 
represented the complete take-over of the so-called 
Military/Industrial Complex.

And he has been moving in that direction;
But we'll see...

> --- In, gullible fool <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> >   
> > I believe it is time once more to remind everyone of
> > MMY's opinion of Dubya:
> > 
> > I got this from someone on Heavenly Mountain on
> > September 1, 2001.
> > 
> > Hi, any new news after this call on the future of the
> > TM movement in America?
> > 
> > Hi Friends, I have taken the time to transcribe these
> > notes from a tape of a conference call for TM
> > Governors, with the west coast regional coordinator.
> > She speaks with Maharishi regularly. There is so much
> > heavy, important information here, that I want to send
> > it to all my friends. The first part consists of her
> > verbatim notes when MMY was speaking, then the next
> > part on a follow-up talk which may be more paraphrased
> > (that's where it was stated that the demon Ravana is
> > working through George W. Bush!) Very
> > thought-provoking and helpful to see what Maharishi's
> > attention is on these days. (any question mark means I
> > am either not sure of the spelling or not sure I heard
> > the word on the tape clearly.)
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev, Mary
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev. This is probably one of the largest
> > governor meetings that's been held in a long time,
> > outside of a course She wants to start by thanking
> > each and every one of you who has joined this call
> > tonight. Many have been viewing the MOU channel daily,
> > so are very aware of Maharishi's displeasure with NATO
> > and "bombing for peace". Now we are hearing more the
> > negative repercussions from around the world directed
> > at the attitude, behavior, and positioning of the
> > United States. Curt and Christie Kleinschnitz gave a
> > report on the Maharishi Vedic Center project.
> > Maharishi approved it as a very good plan, he just
> > wanted us to reduce the cost so more can be built.
> > After the Kleinschnitz couple reviewed for Maharishi
> > the plan of rebuilding the whole country in accordance
> > with Stapathya Veda principles, including their idea
> > to apply for some federal Foundation funds to help
> > with this, here are MMY's comments on the real
> > situation in the U.S. today: "The president is
> > destroying the foundation of the world. Tell them that
> > you are a Foundation for the good of the people. We
> > are trying to create coherence in society. He
> > (referring to the president) is even more violent than
> > Hitler. (The regional coordinator makes a comment here
> > that what he meant is that the potential for what Bush
> > could do is more violent than what Hitler did during
> > WWII). A new Rakshasa in America. He could destroy the
> > world, and he may. It is good that the money stays in
> > the bank, and we ascend to Heaven. We want to
> > counteract these actions. Don't waste time asking for
> > funds. The governors had intended to apply for some
> > U.S. Govt. grants for their project) Waste of time! We
> > are powerful. We will not take bad money. Whether the
> > world comes or goes, we maintain our dignity. Don't
> > waste time by asking for funds and all this, and go by
> > your regular business procedures. Waste of time. We
> > are powerful, and we don't have to beg money from
> > those people. It is this begging for money that I
> > dislike. So whether the world continues breathing or
> > stops breathing, but it is not our dignity to ask for
> > money here and there. We just stand (?) the whole
> > thing and maintain our dignity. Write them (the
> > Foundation) but with an authority. Begging them for
> > money and all that - NO! You say that today, we are
> > telling you that your money will remain in the bank,
> > and the banks will be going to Heaven. Use authority
> > with them. Some things we needed to ask from them for
> > 10 years, to get some money. No, no. Three years, try
> > to save your life, and we have the authority to give
> > the license to live. With authority, with authority,
> > with boldness, openness say, 'Your country is going to
> > go, and you should save your money for your own life.'
> > (At this point, Curt Kleinschnitz very quietly said,
> > 'Not very many people write them letters to that
> > point, Maharishi.') Maharishi said: Write them, that
> > we are inviting you to continue to breathe life on
> > Earth because your president is putting you on fire.
> > That we are a charitable organization. We invite you
> > to continue to breathe life. Otherwise all your
> > charitable foundations and charity and this, the
> > whole thing doesn't mean a thing. Take them with
> > charitable things and say that they are alive in the
> > world. Save your life. This is very bad. There's a
> > very bad opposition in Europe. Everywhere he
> > (president Bush) went, but it doesn't matter. Even if
> > he is honored in Europe, he is going to eat up life
> > for the world, that's all. We are doing our things. We
> > are doing, we are propagating these things, jyotish
> > and all those things that we have on the market. Only
> > I was trying to make every aspect of our undertaking
> > to be more effective. I want it to be more effective.
> > In 3 or 4 days I'll inform you what to do about the
> > whole thing. But whatever we are doing, it's not
> > enough to save the world. It is never enough to save
> > the world. 10-20 people here and there, and giving
> > this lecture and gathering that people and all, no, it
> > won't help the world. It's a big world of ours. We
> > have to do something with more wakefulness. All these
> > little things that we've been doing, the time is over
> > for all these little things. We've done all these for
> > 40-50 years, everywhere, and we're going to do
> > something more effective. More effective jyotish, more
> > effective whispers to the people to eliminate pain and
> > all that. More effective, more effective, more
> > effective. In a few days I'm going to come out with
> > the whole thing. I've heard your very inspiring
> > suggestions and this and this, and all that you could
> > do in your position, you are doing, you are doing, you
> > are doing. But now I've started to dig deep into what
> > is happening and what can happen in the world. Now, we
> > have a Global County of World Peace. Those tactics
> > which we have been doing here and there and there,
> > they are trivial for us now. You want to be more
> > effective, and in a few days you will know the whole
> > thing. This is because in America, I would never have
> > thought that this Rakshasa will be born in America. I
> > have tens of thousands of governors in America, but
> > how many are teaching? It's a shame to those
> > individuals, but for the money they are going here and
> > there. And just for earning money and all that, all
> > that. The whole thing has proved to be in my mind, a
> > failure. Movement in America is a failure. I'll not
> > close the Movement, but I'll make it more effective,
> > more efficient. All the ideas need to come from
> > American creativity; Americans should be doing this.
> > The whole thing is very unsatisfactory; very poor
> > show, very poor show. This is American creativity -
> > one man comes, and rules around the world, and
> > destroys everything. What is America? This kind of
> > America? This is a lifeless America. But this man may
> > do something, because he comes with a new American
> > creativity and bombs everyone here, there and
> > everywhere. Like that, like that, like that. When we
> > look at the whole thing, we're not successful Movement
> > in the world. We amuse ourselves like that, like that,
> > good stories and fine, and yes, yes, very good, but
> > the whole thing is trash. Not very substantial. But as
> > individuals, you can only do what you are doing. I
> > have to re-do the Movement in
> > America. What is going on is just satisfactory. But it
> > is good that I have heard what you are doing and I am
> > satisfied with you as individuals. You only do what
> > you are doing, but with that I am not satisfied. I'm
> > going to change the face of the Movement, this way and
> > that way, within a few days. I will make policies and
> > that will be in favor of world consciousness rising in
> > coherence. On that global level of the country, I am
> > taking the challenge
> > of this Rakshasa of the United States of America. But
> > I am starting to wake up to my responsibility. Within
> > 2-3-4 days, I will put out all the policies and the
> > whole thing that we will do in America. But I will
> > restructure the whole thing. All that is being done is
> > deception for this very powerful knowledge of total
> > Natural Law. This whole thing is rubbish, very poor
> > show. So in a few days, I'm going to recast the whole
> > policy of the whole Movement. With this knowledge,
> > after 50 years, such a Rakshasa in the
> > most creative country in the world - we have not done
> > justice to the knowledge. If a Rakshasa is created in
> > the most creative country in the world, then the
> > consciousness is weak.
> > 
> > During Maharishi's talk this past Guru Purnima, he
> > continued on this very same thing: "Listen to what I
> > say, there will be no end of problems until man is
> > able to engage total Natural Law for what he wants to
> > do. Life is yours. Continue to fight, continue to
> > kill, continue to bomb each other, but remember: in
> > these 5-10 years you may be a Prime Minister or a
> > government, but what will come after that? Look to the
> > president of America; what has happened to him?
> > Man's heritage is divine. These are not empty words
> > and gossip about empty philosophy. This is a reality.
> > Save yourself, and by saving yourself, save your
> > environment. It is very, very obvious that no nation
> > can save itself today." This is a definite wakeup call
> > for all of us in the United States. The impact of what
> > Maharishi said is very much in our awareness, and
> > deeply engraved in our consciousness. We know there
> > have been times when the lowest quality of life has
> > existed on Earth, and have been told what the
> > highest value could be in life in accordance with
> > Natural Law, Heaven on Earth. This was present in the
> > times of Vedic civilization. Right now is a transition
> > point for all mankind. A transition from an age of
> > ignorance, an age that reflects the negative values of
> > life, that brings suffering and unhappiness to the
> > family of man. That transformation is taking place to
> > bring us back to the Vedic civilization, the time that
> > reflects Heaven on Earth, a time where life will be in
> > harmony with Natural Law and the fullest values of the
> > celestial values and Unity consciousness will be
> > expressed throughout the world. This transformation is
> > a play of the Veda which
> > is the return of the kingdom of Ram.
> > 
> > Comments now from the Regional Coordinator that are
> > not verbatim quotes, but from her notes on recent
> > calls from MMY: Maharishi said that there are two
> > aspects in the world today, a Big Filth, and a Wave
> > of Purification. Just a phase the world is going
> > through. The situation is clearly described in ... the
> > Ramayana, that the rule of Ram will get established
> > only by defeating the demon Rakshasa Ravana. So we
> > have Ram on one side, and Ravana on the other. That is
> > the situation today. We did not think of having to
> > confront someone like Ravana. It came like a surprise
> > that Ravana had taken birth in the U.S. It must be for
> > the good of the world that we are witnessing today a
> > polarization of these opposite, opposing forces. The
> > evolutionary force on one side, and the destructive
> > force on the other, which is now being flooded by
> > floodlights of knowledge, the eternal
> > light of total knowledge. Years ago in Fairfield,
> > Maharishi had us read the Ramayana, to restore the
> > kingdom of Ram in our thinking about government. Now
> > the kingdom of Ram has been re-established by the
> > coronation of Dr. Tony Nader, a Vedic Vishwaprashek,
> > Nader Ram, through a 6 day performance of the Raja
> > Abashek (sp?). This 6 day yagya, a yagya to install a
> > king, has not been performed in tens of thousands of
> > years. Maharishi did this to install Dr. Tony Nader as
> > the king of the Global Country of World Peace, and its
> > 40 ministries representing all 40 aspects of the Ved
> > and Vedic literature. This country consists of all the
> > peace loving citizens in the world. This is the
> > kingdom of Ram. There are only two more things
> > necessary to bring the kingdom of Ram into its full
> > Vedic glory. The first is the establishment of three
> > permanent groups of 8,000 peacekeeping Vedic pandits
> > in India, and the second is the opening of Veda Land,
> > which will bring the dawning of Heaven on Earth.
> > Maharishi said that at present the creativity of the
> > United States has turned in a negative direction. This
> > has been expressed in its full form as a Rakshasa of
> > the calibre of Ravana, the opponent of Ram in the
> > Vedic times, in the persona of George W. Bush, and his
> > inflamatory actions and foreign policies which are
> > irritating and angering even our own allies, and
> > putting the whole world on the defensive, perhaps
> > setting the stage for war. We are looking at the Veda
> > playing itself out once again. The resurgence of
> > Heaven on Earth has to go through this very precarious
> > time of transition. As governors and teachers, we
> > cannot afford to lose the focus of our attention on
> > the highest values of consciousness, on the highest
> > values of life. We all have material
> > concerns in life, but we cannot afford to let that
> > overshadow our visions of the highest spiritual values
> > of life, of the Light will be snuffed out, and our
> > future generations along with it. Last year, at the
> > Kumbha Mela celebration in India, Bevan said that Guru
> > Dev had charged Maharishi with the responsibility
> > to bring back the Vedic civilization, and that this is
> > Maharishi's role in the world. Because of Guru Dev's
> > request, Maharishi's entire focus over the past 40
> > years has been to bring back the fullest value of
> > consciousness to all the various approaches of
> > Maharishi's Vedic Science. Maharishi shared this
> > vision with us and told us what this Vedic
> > civilization had been and could be again, Heaven on
> > Earth. He contrasted it with the current state of
> > affairs in the world. He then duplicated himself
> > by giving us this very precious knowledge of Natural
> > Law, the TM Technique. He made us his Kshatriyas, his
> > warriors of enlightenment who have the ability to
> > destroy the ignorance in the world and bring the
> > descent of Heaven on Earth by whispering Infinity.
> > This is our role as Maharishi's teachers. Last Friday
> > on the national conference call, Bevan reviewed the
> > history of the critical times in the world, and the
> > part Guru Dev, Maharishi, and the Vedic knowledge
> > played in turning the tables, bringing the most
> > positive and evolutionary outcomes: At a very crucial
> > time in World War II, Maharishi orchestrated an
> > Attirudrabashek (sp?) yagya, the yagya to eliminate
> > negativity and create world peace. He assembled 10,000
> > pandits, presided over by Guru Dev, and performed the
> > yagya for a week. Shortly after he
> > began, the turning point of the War, D-Day, took
> > place, and the war soon ended. During crucial
> > moments of the Cuban Missile crisis in the early
> > 1960's, he held the first Checker Training Course on
> > Catalina Island (California). He had everyone go into
> > Silence for 3 days. This turned the tide of events
> > and the Russian ships turned back at the most crucial
> > moment. In the mid to late 1980's, as the Cold War
> > tensions rapidly heated up again, Maharishi formed
> > another group of Vedic pandits and again they
> > performed daily Attirudrabashek. As a result, the
> > Berlin Wall came down and the Cold War ended. The
> > purpose of this Vedic knowledge has always been to
> > restore life to balance and harmony with Natural Law.
> > Whenever life on Earth is threatened, this knowledge
> > comes back and is made available. Each of you has been
> > entrusted with this precious wisdom, and each of
> > you has the power to really make a difference in the
> > world. In the past several years, we have seen a world
> > come to points of crisis such as Kosovo, where the
> > opportunity for chaos in the world was there, the
> > potential for mass destruction, when things could
> > have gone either way. We are now looking at another
> > turning point in time where once again that delicate
> > balance is there. On the one hand, there is the
> > opportunity to establish a permanent basis for world
> > peace and the platform for Heaven on Earth, the
> > fullest expression of the sattvic value of Natural
> > Law, and on the other hand, destructive forces
> > threaten to bubble up at any time and explode into
> > massive destruction. This negative trend is being
> > expressed through our government, which we know is
> > just the innocent mirror of the collective
> > consciousness of the people of the United States. The
> > only way we can reverse this trend is to redirect the
> > collective consciousness through the attention of our
> > teachers to bring about more coherence and group
> > consciousness. The part we play in this as Maharishi's
> > American TM teachers and governors is that the
> > collective consciousness of the United States of
> > America is actually governed by us, by where we place
> > our attention, by how we do our program and by how we
> > do our thinking and actions, support and nurture the
> > basis for Heaven on Earth. The collective
> > consciousness of the United States is now reflecting
> > less than the value of Satva that it should.
> > Throughout the country, the numbers of sidhas
> > in group program are down, numbers of initiations are
> > down, even before the fee increased. The focus on
> > Maharishi's knowledge on the part of many American
> > teachers and governors on this, is just not there.
> > Without at least some attention by the teachers, that
> > precious gift, that ability to bring about the
> > fulfillment of Maharishi's vision of Heaven on Earth,
> > is lost. Maharishi said he trained tens of thousands
> > of teachers in the U.S. If there are say, 20,000
> > teachers, and each teacher taught the TM Technique to
> > just two people a year, this alone would create 40,000
> > new meditators and potential sidhas each year. If the
> > commission from those two students were donated to the
> > pandit project in India, it would
> > take care of the support and maintenance of most of
> > the 24,000 pandits. The teachers in the U.S. can
> > almost support this project themselves. We could do
> > this. The coherence of every country in the world
> > would raise. The transition would take place, ushering
> > in Heaven on Earth, and the issues of Rakshasas and
> > world destruction would just simply cease to exist. It
> > is all where we as Maharishi's teachers decide to put
> > our attention, and we are so close. We already have
> > almost enough for the establishment of the first group
> > of 8,000 pandit boys, which in itself would give us
> > the square root of 1% of the world's population
> > practicing the TM and TM-Sidhi program. In addition,
> > these boys can already perform the rudrabhashek (sp?)
> > yagya daily to remove all negativity and stress from
> > the environment, the
> > very same yagya that was done in India by 10,000
> > pandits under the supervision of Guru Dev, to end
> > World War II. But in order for this momentous
> > transition to take place, we really, really need your
> > support and help. There are so many opportunities to
> > make this happen. There are so many things we can do
> > as individuals and still stay mindful of our relative
> > life. You're not being asked to give up anything,
> > just to help create the perfection you know can
> > happen. It's just a matter of a little more time and
> > keeping more focused. The handful of people who are
> > still teaching and holding the Centers together by
> > themselves need so much support to make this grand
> > vision happen. And with just a little of your focus in
> > any number of directions, could make such a huge
> > difference. For example, hosting or attending regular
> > group program, attending extended weekend super
> > radiance, donating finances to the Center if you don't
> > have time, lecturing, initiating, offering to call a
> > few people to inspire them, offering your expertise at
> > the Center or sponsoring a pandit at $525 a year. You
> > can invite your friends and family to a living room
> > lecture or set up an intro at your office. We'd be
> > delighted to help you, or any other ideas you may have
> > on contacting people or referring people to the Center
> > to learn TM. Many of you are professionals and have
> > contacts that teachers who are teaching fulltime could
> > never possibly make. It would so much depend on the
> > governors who are in professional fields now. One
> > governor just had an idea to make up business cards
> > for TM with the 800 number on it, just to hand out to
> > people she talks to in her travels. Another governor
> > emailed the Regional Director with a simple but
> > effective way of attracting meditators back to the
> > Centers, and we just got approval for the Centers to
> > get updated mailing lists. They are considerably
> > larger than what you had before, so you can start
> > contacting people, and just bringing them in, inviting
> > them to come in and get checked,
> > inviting them for a Refresher course, or inviting them
> > to any of the activities the Center is having. You
> > could help coordinate any of the many tours of
> > Maharishi's various programs. Maybe do one thing, once
> > a year, just to help. You don't have to do the whole
> > thing. Or help with a celebration or some social
> > event. Anything you can offer, in the way of help,
> > support or attention, even for a few minutes
> > a week, can make all the difference in the world. Just
> > think of how it feels when you go to the Maharishi
> > Vedic Centers and there's a big group there for some
> > event, the warm atmosphere that's generated, the
> > friendliness. Think of group program when a lot of
> > people are flying together - the buoyancy, the
> > happiness that comes. This quality of coherence and
> > bliss is not just generated in those individual groups
> > when we get together, it radiates into the whole
> > environment around it, and it affects everyone. These
> > are the mechanics of world peace. They have to be
> > nurtured and cultured regularly and consistently to
> > maintain world peace and establish Heaven on Earth.
> > Inside each and every one of your hearts, you have
> > nurtured this vision. That is why you became teachers.
> > Don't lose sight of this now at this most important
> > crucial point for mankind. We made a commitment when
> > we became teachers. It was based on each of our own
> > individual visions of what
> > life could be. Don't lose sight of that vision; it's
> > just around the corner. We know many of you are there,
> > and how hard you work in the field, and we applaud you
> > for all that you're doing and want to support you in
> > any way we can. We realize that you've felt a lack of
> > help and support over the years in many areas, but
> > National is going to help; they're there, you call
> > them. We're here, you call us. We want to know that
> > everyone here is ready to provide that added help &
> > support. We want you to know that to make your job
> > easier and help bring a closer connection and
> > communication between Maharishi's teachers and
> > Maharishi. By helping you to move more smoothly and
> > quickly toward our common goal, we can create the
> > world peace we are all seeking to achieve. And, since
> > this call, we've been on the phone daily with
> > International, every single day, and we're sending
> > reports and he's asking questions, and we're giving
> > answers. So a lot's happening right now and he's
> > listening to what we're saying...
> > 
> > Now another thing that's happened is that just this
> > last week a permanent public relations office is
> > opening to handle all of the promotion and promotional
> > materials now for all of Maharishi's program, with
> > main attention to the media. We had good media at one
> > time when the Purusha were doing it and the Purusha
> > just aren't available now due to their longer
> > programs. So this office will fill that gap that was
> > left. And this new office is going to be headed by
> > Kingsley Brooks, with support from Dean Drasnin, Mario
> > Orsatti and Bobby Roth, and advice and counsel from
> > our most experienced full-time governors from the
> > field. They are looking to hire a governor who will
> > focus full-time on PR, and one of the ideas that came
> > out of the recent call was to have really useful press
> > releases, and the first press release we already have
> > emailed you in regard to the Vedic City which is
> > actually a very newsworthy event, because many of us
> > are starting to look for Vedic Centers or some of us
> > have found our land for Vedic Centers, so you could go
> > to your local newspaper and say look, This city is
> > happening and here we have a Center just like that
> > Vedic Center that's going up, that city, and we could
> > get a lot of good free press for TM and all of our
> > programs as a result of that. There's a wealth of
> > knowledge and up-to-date information material to share
> > for lectures, WPA's, residence courses, through taping
> > the MOU channel programming.

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