--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long  wrote:
> >
> > Buck, I LOVE this map.  Beautiful picture of Bagambhrini and the tennis 
> > twins whose Mom looks young enough to be their sister.  She often sits 
> > near me on the stacked foam.  Thank you so much for posting this.  I'd 
> > not seen it.
> > 
> >
> Actually there is an inaccuracy about the Men's Dome that is mis-leading in 
> fact.  Well, it has been some long time since 2,000 meditated or done the 
> TM-Sidhis program there with any regularity.  Scroll over and click the men's 
> dome and a little description comes up that implies that 2,000 people 
> meditate there.    Yes, the men's dome was built to house 2,000 or so 
> meditators but there has not been 2,000 meditating in the Dome with any 
> regularly in a long time.  At best there are around 325-50 in the mornings 
> and 375- in the evenings meditating there.  Occasionally more.  The 
> discrepancy is a loong sorry story about the President's Office and Maharishi 
> aggravating and antagonizing the larger meditating community.  It would be 
> more accurate to say that a few hundred get together to meditate every day 
> twice a day there in the men's dome as a place to meditate together doing the 
> TM's.    
> Best Regards,
> -Buck

Sadly, the super-radiance now is much smaller than it once was, a terrible 
tragedy that has yet to be resolved.

> > 
> > 
> > ________________________________
> >  From: Buck 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Monday, January 7, 2013 4:02 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Interactive Campus Map of  MUM
> >  
> > 
> >   
> > New map showing campus. 
> > 
> > Lot of you lurk from a distance and have not been to Fairfield in a while. 
> > Here's a really nice map that you can scroll in to.
> > If you have not been to campus in a while, a lot has 
> > been invested in the community there.
> > You can get an idea of the place looking at this.
> > It's a busy campus. 
> > 
> > http://www.mum.edu/HTML/interactivemap/interactivemap.html
> > 
> > -Buck
> >

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