"The moment you know you know you know."
Haunting, enigmatic, simple and beautiful his pensive face projected on
to a puppet in Bowies new recording, "Where Are We Now?", on his 66th
birthday,  some may call it with  a mesmerizing, enchanting, elegiac
tune.His voice sounds older and more world-weary but not frightened to
put something new out  and he appears to be almost biting back tears as
he looks back on his life in Berlin. Didn't he who turned down a
knighthood  his best work in/about Berlin  bringing it  now all back,
though not in a hackneyed way? His Berlin in a time warp. Berlin as it
was then, as it would be now, as  if all these weird intervening years
had never happened.
Does he coming to grips with his own mortality, trying to make a sober
assessment of his time on earth and the value of life itself as he
approaches an farewell-exit?
  A shallow fool "Major Tom" age bracket continue a clueless life in a
fog trying to hang on to his youth  doing Ziggy Stardust redux..?

     Is David Bowie  back - but where has he been in the rain- a one,
brilliant class act that cannot be followed even by himself?
"Finger are crossed -just in case"

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