A saw a healer, who I didn't realize was Hindu-based at the time and told me 
that if I didn't do my spiritual work, I'd reincarnate as a lower life form.  I 
asked her for an example - she said "cat."  I said, "I'm O.K. with that."   

> From: Michael Jackson <mjackso...@yahoo.com>
>To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
>Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2013 10:12 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Enlightenment
>Thought I would offer this for purposes of discussion. These are my own 
>beliefs at this time:
>From the teachings or musings if you will of people like Eckhart
Tolle and Anita Moorjani, Adyashanti one has to believe that the whole thing
about enlightenment and the whole schtick that goes with it is complete made up
>Some meditation teachers like to teach that enlightenment is
something that is achievable in this lifetime, but in truth it is already here,
covered over by egoic perception. Maharishi was particularly prone to
promulgate this idea that enlightenment was something to precious and rare that
needed to be pursued, to be chased, and he and teachers like him do that to be
able to get more people to buy their nosturms. 
>But evidently what we have called “enlightenment” is our
natural state must by virtue of being, just by being. You don’t have to go
anywhere or do anything to become this “state” of awareness or being, but just
be. It must mean that meditation and seeking will never lead to the experience 
enlightenment, and when most people talk about their enlightenment they are
referring to a fluctuating experience of consciousness.
>This to me also means that the old Hindu stuff about having
to spend countless lifetimes as plants, bugs, animals and so forth until you 
a human body is also complete made up bullshit. Why would the Infinite
Magnificence, the Unlimited Love that we are choose to do that? I can’t think
of a reason.
>Any thoughts folks?

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