Thanks for this.  I enjoy RSAnimate and agree with Ehrenreich.  And I think a 
lot of TMers have misinterpreted Maharishi on this topic of never entertain 
negativity.  Speaking on the role of entertainment with comedian Andy Kaufman 
Maharishi explains, and here I'll paraphrase, that entertainment means to hold 
within.  My logical guess is that on the topic of negativity, Maharishi was 
saying that it's best not to hold negativity within, not to dwell on it 
unnecessarily.  I agree with this.  And I think there is a big difference 
between dealing with negativity, dwelling on it and entertaining it.  

If one gets a paper cut, say ouch and move on; if one get a bleeding cut, apply 
antiseptic and bandaid and move on.  If one's finger gets caught in a door and 
the tip is dangling by a tendon, then rush to the ER and have a hand specialist 
sew it back on.  IOW, the severity of the negativity or problem determines the 
amount of  attention that is needed to deal with it adequately.    

What I'd really like to see are brain scans when someone is truly smiling and 
when someone is fake smiling.  Because I have read that smiling releases 
endorphins into the body.  In my own experience, a true smile and a fake smile 
have very different energetic feelings, as does grounded positivity vs. what I 
call hyperpositivity.

Somehow this video also brings to mind Susan Cain's book on introversion called 
Quiet.  BTW, on Batgap someone mentioned that her TED Talk on the same topic 
was the quickest to reach a very high number of hits.  Anyway, note that I'm 
not equating introversion with pessimism.  And I'm definitely not equating 
extroversion with optimism, though the two can appear very similar, especially 
in the corporate world.  

In Quiet Cain suggests that the book How To Win Friends and Influence People 
greatly influenced and continues to influence the corporate world in the sense 
that everyone was and is being encouraged to be outgoing.  Cain points out the 
problems with this and I think they are very similar to the problems that 
Ehrenreich discusses.   

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 2:27 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] RSA Animate - Smile Or Die

This one just *nails* the problem with "The Secret"
and other forms of "positive thinking," not to mention
the TMO's "never entertain negativity" and its tendency
to excommunicate anyone who interjects a note of reality
into its pronouncements of unreality. 

They're delusional. They're a form of social control. 
And they're dangerous.


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