Learning to Read the Vedic Literature
in Devanagari:
A natural, simple, systematic, effortless
technology of Maharishi Vedic Science

"The perfect orderliness of the Sanskrit language
creates orderliness and balance in the brain physiology,
expands the memory, and purifies the physiology.
When reciting the Vedic language, the brain
functions from more silent levels, increasing
peace and harmony in the mind, and unfolding
deeper levels of consciousness."
                      - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Part-time Sanskrit Courses -- Beginner and Advanced

The Department of Maharishi Vedic Science is offering a part-time Sanskrit
course for beginners starting Tuesday, September 13, 2005, at 7:45 p.m. in
the Dreier Building, room 114.

The one-credit course will last three months. There will be a meeting once a
week, on Tuesdays, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and a weekly optional
meeting (recommended) at a time convenient to the students. The course
requires regular home practice of the materials covered in each lesson. Both
undergraduate and graduate credit are available.
For more specific information about the course, please call 472-3189.

Pre-registration is necessary.  To register, Call 472-1144 (campus extension 1144).

The fee for this one-unit credit-bearing course is $350. Full-time faculty
and full-time Ideal Administrators may apply for full tuition scholarships
through the Dean of Faculty or Personnel Offices.


Part-time Sanskrit II Course
(open to people who took the Sanskrit I course in Spring, and to others who
already read)

The Department of Maharishi Vedic Science is offering a part-time Sanskrit
II course starting Friday, September 9, 2005, at 7:45 p.m. in the Dreier
Building, room 114.

The one-credit course will last three months. There will be a meeting once a
week, on Mondays, from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Both undergraduate and
graduate credit are available.

For more specific information about the course, please call 472-3189.

Pre-registration is necessary.  To register, Call 472-1144 (campus extension

The fee for this one-unit credit-bearing course is $350. Full-time faculty
and full-time Ideal Administrators may apply for full tuition scholarships
through the Dean of Faculty or Personnel Offices.


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