Dear FFL community;
Let us reduce the total number of posts to FFL that people can individually 
post in a week's time to a much smaller number that would be easier for 
everyone to count and keep track of themselves.  Like, five.  That would 
sharpen everyones posts a lot and help a lot to keep the writing germane (or is 
that german) to topic here.  If it were a manageable number like five I would 
volunteer to count people's posts and suspend their memberships when they get 
too post-happy and flood this place with non-related personal posting.  It 
would be good.

--- In, "Alex Stanley"  wrote:
> The post count that showed up last night was from the 19th. I logged into the 
> post count's gmail account, and there was an error message about another post 
> count mail being unable to be delivered:
> :::: begin quote ::::
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
> :
> values:[ffl.postcount@...][FairfieldLife][]
> Pid: 28299 Processing:(mail,us,ffl.postcount@...,FairfieldLife)
> DKIM-Status: Success domain_keys.c@118
> at [addtogs.c:462]
> script=/home/y/libexec/ygp_mail/mail/dosend
> level=E_ERROR
> Reason:
> gs_archive error: 14 (listID=3920196 host= 
> loc=gs;area524/96/01/g3920196)
> dosend: fatal: gs_archive error: 14 (listID=3920196 host= 
> loc=gs;area524/96/01/g3920196)
> I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the queue too long.
> :::: end quote ::::
> I have no idea what's going on with yahoo and the post count mails, but the 
> whole post count rule depends on it. There is no way in hell that I'm going 
> to manually count people's posts and keep track of the post count myself, so 
> as far as I'm concerned, if the post counts don't start showing up in a 
> timely manner, the post count rule is toast.

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