--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 02/04/2013 12:15 PM, John wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> >> I'm quite amused at the post Stupor Bowl news stories this morning
> >> including the one that Beyonce flashing the Illuminati sign.  Well in
> >> the picture of Brahmananda Saraswati used for puja he's flashing the
> >> "Illuminati sign".  Of course it's just the yoni mudra which is
> >> practiced in yoga and tantra (and BS was a tantric though these days the
> >> TMO likes to sweep that under the rug).
> >>
> >> And of course the "blackout" was a planned event by the Illuminati to
> >> get you all used to regular electrical blackouts like India has. :-D
> >>
> > The Vaishnavites have a different definition of the Illuminati, who are 
> > supposed to be the nonbelievers and materialists of the world.  By that 
> > definition, Guru Dev would not qualify.
> Uh, it's a joke, John.  There was much made in the news about Beyonce 
> flashing that sign and I also heard that people saw folks in the crowd 
> stand up and give that sign.  Funny if they were Ravens fans and that is 
> their salute.
> http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/did-beyonce-flash-illuminati-sign-why-did-superdome-064347471--nfl.html
> However a yogi or tantric meditating while holding the hands in the form 
> of the yoni mudra is not uncommon.  Bet many folks here do that and 
> don't even know it. ;-)


FWIW, Shak O'neil is a self-proclaimed member of the Free Masons.  That's 
probably why a lot of hip hop artists are making all of these hand gestures.  

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