Oh, that's right, you don't like Indians. Racism, like sexism, is an ugly 
trait, Barry. I recall several of your posts condemning the entire Indian 
subcontinent, because of some judgments you made about Indians in the US. Was 
Lenz a racist also??

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Few articles have captured the depths to which con men from
> India will stoop as this one does. I noticed it because one
> of my "hero" sites is RetractionWatch, an activist science 
> site that follows dodgy research and blows the whistle on 
> it and the researchers who perpetrate it when it turns out 
> to be bogus.
> One of their most famous "takedowns" involves the case of 
> Anil Potti, a cancer researcher who worked at Duke University
> and who published a number of seemingly ground-shaing studies
> that got him a lot of attention. As RetractionWatch and other
> orgs dug beneath the surface, however, the truth began to
> come out. He had faked most of his research data, and used
> any number of other unscrupulous means to make claims that
> simply weren't supported by any of his experiments. Major
> scandal followed, in which he was forced to resign from Duke,
> and during which his reputation pretty much went into the
> toilet. RetractionWatch themselves published something like
> 22 papers on him and his con games. 
> So what does Anil Potti do? He hires himself an Indian PR
> firm named Online Reputation Manager to clean up his rep,
> and shortly afterwards, RetractionWatch notices that 10 of
> its articles on Potti have been taken down by their ISP
> provider, responding to DMCA Takedown Notices. 
> What seems to have happened is that this "reputation manager"
> plagiarized RetractionWatch's original articles, put them 
> up on a bogus site in India, and then sent off the retraction
> notices, claiming that RetractionWatch's *originals* violated
> their copyrights. The poor provider Wordpress, had no option
> but to comply to the takedown notices, and thus the articles
> exposing a total fraud and con man are no longer available.
> Welcome to science as it's practiced in the 21st century...
> http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/02/site-plagiarizes-blog-posts-then-files-dmca-takedown-on-originals/

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