<br>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...>
wrote:Yes, we all seem to like the body parts that project out (-:
Switching gears a little, Steve, what about turq's topic, your favorite
romantic movie of all time?
Wow, checking in for a second, and this may take some thought.  Got to
go through,.... high school years, ....college years, .......adult
years.........let's see, Princess Bride comes up,.........okay, I
cheated and looked at a list, but really nothing else jumped out at me. 
I like "West Side Story", I like "Up", I like "Paper Moon", (although
not really a romance movie, but sweet nonetheless),  I like "It's a
Wonderful Life".
I'll go with "Princess Bride".
And you?

<br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> <br>> ________________________________<br>> 
From: seventhray27 steve.sundur@...<br>> To:
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com <br>> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013
10:41 PM<br>> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Uber-narcissists who would
fit right in on FFL<br>>  <br>> <br>> Â  <br>> I've got to add aÂ
funny little piece to the story, especially on this Valentine's Day.Â
That is the power of the breast.  In those early days and months as
an infant, there was no trauma that could stand up to the power of
the breast.  I remember hearing from other friends about the
circumcision.  "Oh" they would say, "Our little guy was doing great
until the cirumcision, then he never slept well again"Â  I was
expecting the worst.  But as had happened many before that event,
and hundreds of time after, putting the baby up to the breast seemed
to solve any problem. He seemed to get over the "trauma" of the
circumcism, in about one minute.<br>> And then once we realized that the
baby could not tolerate (cow's milk) dairy that he was getting via
breast milk, then we were really home free.<br>> <br>> --- In
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray27" wrote:<br>> ><br>> > <br>>
> <br>> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long wrote:<br>> >
><br>> > > Hi Steve, hope you and your wife are having a sweet
Valentine's<br>> > Day.Â<br>> > > Sorry to be nosy but did you all
know from the start how many children<br>> > you wanted?<br>> > > Are
they choosing for themselves which religion to follow?<br>> > <br>> >
<br>> > Wow Share. You know just what questions to ask, to release a
torrent<br>> > of info from me.<br>> > <br>> > Fortunately it has been a
very low key Valentine's day. A friend is in<br>> > town, and it has
caused me go to sleep late two nights in a row, and<br>> > arrive home
late from work. I had intended to stop at Aldi's on my way<br>> > home
tonight, and pick up some roses, but was not able to do so. So<br>> >
Valentine's day has been mostly my daughter giving a present to my
wife.<br>> > <br>> > I have mentioned here before that I was 35 when I
got married, and my<br>> > wife was 38. First time for both of us. We
had our first child, a boy<br>> > when she was forty, and the third
child, a girl when she was 44. <br>> > Inbetween was a boy.<br>> > <br>>
> I hope I am not boring anyone yet. When she was pregnant with the
first<br>> > child, we attended all the Lamaze (sp?) classes, and so in
the delivery<br>> > room I was there as her "coach" to help with the
breathing etc. To<br>> > back up a bit, the due date came and went, and
after one week, we<br>> > learned of an acupunture pressure point,
between the big toe and the<br>> > next toe (I believe). That worked
after a couple hours, and she went<br>> > into labor.<br>> > <br>> > At
any rate, I performed my role as coach, and soon a little boy
popped<br>> > out, and he scored an 8 out of 8 (think I have that right)
on the<br>> > Apscar test. And he performed well on most every test he's
taken after<br>> > that, at least until high school when he started to
take his studying<br>> > for granted. But I digress yet again.<br>> >
<br>> > Anyway, by the time the second child was born, I was happy that
I was<br>> > allowed to be not quite as involved in the actual birth.
That little<br>> > guy popped out and was all red. Literally his body
was very red. I was<br>> > told that there was a strong Mars influence
at the time of his birth.<br>> > That was January 24 th, 1996. I don't
remember what time.<br>> > <br>> > By the time the girl was born, I
would not have minded being several<br>> > hundred miles away, and to
learn of her birth by a postcard. I had sort<br>> > of had enough of the
birthing room. Especially since there were some<br>> > complications.
Luckily, it all worked out. But it was a rather a<br>> > wrenching
experience. Thank God we were in the hospital and not at<br>> > home, or
giving birth in the bathtub under water, or some place with<br>> >
dolphins nearby. Really, I don't mean to demean those methods, but
they<br>> > wouldn't have worked for us.<br>> > <br>> > By the time of
the third one, there was not time for even an epideral.<br>> > She had
that for the first two I believe.<br>> > <br>> > Then came the breast
feeding, and they all got that, for I think, 18<br>> > months. I could
go on and on with this story. Like the estrangement<br>> > that took
place between my mom and me and my mom and my wife nearly as<br>> > soon
as the first child was born.<br>> > <br>> > My mom had the expectation
that we would want to offload the child to<br>> > her, just as she had
offloaded my older sister to her mom, so she could<br>> > resume her
active social life. Problem was, my wife was 40 years old,<br>> > had
travelled around the world, had had a successful business career,<br>> >
and all that she, (and we) wanted was for her to be a full time mom.
It<br>> > meant a significant loss of income, but we just modified our
life style.<br>> > The rend with my mom never really healed. Not even on
my mom's death<br>> > bed when she tried to make amends.<br>> > <br>> >
And yes, my wife would not have minded having another child, but I
felt<br>> > three was really enough.<br>> > <br>> > And I think I have
mentioned before that my wife is strong Catholic, and<br>> > I feel
fortunate that she has undertaken the religious and spiritual<br>> >
upbringing of the children. I should qualify that by saying, the<br>> >
"formal" upbringing. They get a whole different perspective from me.
<br>> > Not by words, but by actions. I sort of think it is a
perfect<br>> > arrangment.<br>> > <br>> > Plus, they do get to partake
of the major Jewish holidays, and that<br>> > seems to give them street
cred at the Catholic schools, they have<br>> > attended all their
lives.<br>> > <br>> > So, that's my Valentine's day story. Thank you for
asking. I hope the<br>> > day has been good for you as well.<br>> >
<br>> > You might be interested in my friend who is visiting. Perhaps we
can<br>> > converse offline about that.<br>> ><br>><br>

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