Carol, thank you so much for sharing this.  I love the line "people pack their 
fears."  I am afraid of being cold and not having enough socks!  I always pack 
too many layer options and too many socks.  I'll think of that next time.  

Beautiful website and beautiful daughter; makes me want to cry, she's so 
present and connected.  

One thing I loved in Utah this summer were the cairns that other hikers and 
rangers had put up marking the trail in places where it disappeared into the 
canyons and landscape; my friend and I built some too.  

This is the opposite of a great escape; feels like home.  I will remember this. 
 I would love to meet up with you on a trail someday.  I don't have a trail 
name yet - yours?  

> From: Carol <>
>Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 12:09 PM
>Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Backpacking --- Emily
>Wow Emily....I know you must have lots of trail tales. :)
>My first trip out I was way too heavy. Lightened up when I took a zero day in 
>Danville, VA. By the time I do my thru hike, I want to get really light. 
>One thru-hiker I met on my 71-mile debut was trekking his 7th(I think it was) 
>thru hike. I think it was his third thru hike on the AT. We talked for a good 
>45 minutes as my son and I and he took a break on the trail. He lit his pipe 
>(tobacco) and stated, "People pack their fears." I thought it was a great 
>line. When I reached Danville a day later, I lightened my load...mainly 
>medical supplies; that was my fear. 
>On a section hike in NY with my daughter, we met a couple who are doing a 
>project (or at least were doing it) entitled "Journey of Dreams." They were 
>hikiing and biking 10,000 miles and in the process video taping dreams from 
>10,000 hikers and bikers.
>I just now checked there website...
>My daughter appears in their Webisode #6. You can see and hear my daugher at 
>minute 5:26. 
>At some point I'll have to see if I can catch up with Ron & Diane and find out 
>where they are. (My time is stretched pretty thin these days.)
>I wrote a poem about meeting Ron & Diane...and the day they videoed my 
>daughter and I as we shared our dream for their camera...
>Here's a link to the poem:
>Some of my most favorite folks are hikers and backpackers. Just in my few 
>short trips I've gained rich memories of the good in people. Plus,  I've had 
>some trail angels leave food and water here and there. ;)
>Maybe I'll see you on a trail one day Emily. Do you have a trail name? :)
>--- In, Emily Reyn  wrote:
>> Hi Carol:  
>> I grew up in the Northwest and backpacked most of my childhood - 15 years 
>> old.  These were family trips with cousins ranging from mostly "long 
>> weekend" jaunts to a 2-week long trip in the high sierras at about 15.  
>> Then I took a long hiatus and left home for college and a wild ride through 
>> my 20's.  Picked it up again with my kids and friends and did 3-5 day trips 
>> in the Cascade mountains.  Have been on many of the hikes in the "100 
>> hikes" book.  I upgraded finally and bought all new lighter-weight gear, as 
>> "toughing it out" old-school became too much for me in my mid-40's.  I 
>> don't like to feel like a mule any longer. Smile. 
>> Last summer I did 2 long camping trips (14 days and 10 days) on the WA coast 
>> and Utah, respectively, with long day hikes, but no backpacking.  I love 
>> being out there though - I had to step back a few years ago as I had back 
>> and knee injuries from skiing to recover from.  I hope to go again this 
>> summer.
>> I've never hiked on the AT, but read the book "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill 
>> Bryson, which was humorous.  
>> Seventy-one miles is a great accomplishment; must have been a fabulous trip. 
>>  Emily.  
>> >________________________________
>> > From: Carol 
>> >To: 
>> >Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 2:18 PM
>> >Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Backpacking --- Emily
>> > 
>> >
>> >  
>> >Hey Emily...
>> >
>> >Thought I'd bump this in case you missed it before. 
>> >
>> >Cheers!
>> >~Carol :)
>> >
>> >***********
>> >
>> >Emily, you mentioned in another post that you backpack.
>> >
>> >Have you done much backpacking and where are some of the places you have 
>> >backpacked?
>> >
>> >[...]
>> >
>> >****************
>> >
>> >--- In, "Carol"  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> Emily, you mentioned in another post that you backpack. 
>> >> 
>> >> Have you done much backpacking and where are some of the places you have 
>> >> back packed?
>> >> 
>> >> I just started backpacking in 2009. I've always loved the woods and have 
>> >> been a day hiker all my life, but my health (in the past) kept from being 
>> >> able to back pack. Finally (at age 49) I was well enough to give it a go. 
>> >> 
>> >> I've only done a little bit and my longest trip was only 71 miles. I've 
>> >> done other short trips for a night or two.
>> >> 
>> >> I live on the east coast in North Carolina, so the Appalachian Trail is 
>> >> in my back yard and I feel at home there. I have backpacked a small 
>> >> portion of the AT in New York.
>> >> 
>> >> My high school dream was to thru-hike the AT some day. I got chronically 
>> >> sick at age 22 and was stuck in that chronic ill health for a few decades.
>> >> 
>> >> But now my high school dream is alive again. I want to thru-hike the AT 
>> >> the year I turn 60 or before if life circumstances fall into place prior 
>> >> to the big six zero. But, I'm thinking I'll hike the upper half (Harper's 
>> >> Ferry to Katahdin) and then take a bus back to Harper's Ferry and hike 
>> >> the lower half (Harper's Ferry to Springer). So technically it may be 
>> >> just two giant section hikes with a week or so off in between.
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > 
>> >
>> >

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