Believe it or not, there are some people who think that this sequestration idea 
was proposed by the White House.

--- In, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...> wrote:
> If true, this is a good storyline: As the Sequester approaches, and 
> Republicans finally get to slash the federal budget, half of them are sane 
> enough to realize they look like idiots and the other half are too stupid to 
> know they *are* idiots. Meanwhile, Democrats appear as responsible adults 
> telling the GOP, "No, we are not going to fix your mess." This is Lawrence 
> O'Donnell's take on the Sequester. 
> I'm skeptical. Simpson-Boles awaits in the wings so I suspect one way or 
> another we'er going down the path of austerity. Either way, according to 
> Krugman, austerity will only make the economy worse. Now that Obama has the 
> GOP on the Sequester ropes, bets on that we'll see another eleventh hour 
> "fiscal cliff" drama play out so that Obama gets to be a hero striking the 
> Grand Bargain (that he wanted all along) when he pulls the Simpson-Boles 
> rabbit out of the hat. Smart politics, yes, but very dumb for the country. 
> Here's the article and O'Donnell video:          
> "Obama has nothing to lose in the sequester negotiations. He gave the GOP 
> everything they asked for, and have been asking for in their rhetoric for 
> years. You ask an average Republican voter, they demand to slash government 
> spending. The Sequester is just what they've been asking for, and now they 
> are fighting it tooth and nail."

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