this week on the Maharishi channel there is a clip where an initiator presses 
Maharishi about the question, where does TM come from, Maharishi clearly 
indicates in a self-effacing way that it comes from him alone, he figured it 
out based only upon the effortlessly blissful experience that he had of just 
being in the presence of Brahmananda Saraswati. He also said the the 
understanding of the Gita came to the world only because there was people doing 
TM and taking teacher training, before that the commentary he made could not 
exist, likewise the Auparusheya Bhashya of the Veda. He also states that people 
who strictly follow ANY religion feel the same bliss. (though those that really 
do that is a very tiny number in the history of the whole Kaliyuga)

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