Dr. Elliot told me that he tended someone who had just had an epileptic fit and 
then Elliot went to visit Maharishi.  He told Maharishi what he'd just done, 
and Maharishi grabbed a piece of cardboard and started fanning Elliot with it 
by an open window -- to blow off the stresses he'd gotten onto himself.

So ain't no one here wut cans laugh at Pat Robertson.

Jes sayin'.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@...> wrote:
> Pat Robertson recommendss it.  This is somewhat similar to an idea in jyotish 
> which states that one should not wear clothes used by others.  These clothes 
> supposedly would be carrying the karma of those who had previously worn them.
> http://www.wbtv.com/story/21389163/robertson-encourages-exorcising-demons-from-second-hand-clothing

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