We've all heard them, we've all said them. But how much of popular
neuroscience is actually true?FOLK NEUROSCIENCE Popular misconceptions

■ The "left-brain" is rational, the "right-brain" is creative
The hemispheres have different specialisations (the left usually has key
language areas, for example) but there is no clear rational-creative
split and you need both hemispheres to be successful at either. You can
no more do right-brain thinking than you can do rear-brain thinking.

■ Dopamine is a pleasure chemical
Dopamine has many functions in the brain, from supporting concentration
to regulating the production of breast milk. Even in its most closely
associated functioning it is usually considered to be involved in
motivation (wanting) rather than the feeling of pleasure itself.

■ Low serotonin causes depression
A concept almost entirely promoted by pharmaceutical companies in the
1980s and 90s to sell serotonin-enhancing drugs like Prozac. No
consistent evidence for it.

■ Video games, TV violence, porn or any other social spectre of
the moment "rewires the brain"
Everything "rewires the brain" as the brain works by making and remaking
connections. This is often used in a contradictory fashion to suggest
that the brain is both particularly susceptible to change but once
changed, can't change back.

■ We have no control over our brain but we can control our mind
The mind and the brain are the same thing described in different ways
and they make us who we are. Trying to suggest one causes the other is
like saying wetness causes water.

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