I neve said anything at all EVER about performing siddhis in response to a 
skeptical demand (unless you mean one's own internal skepticism).

What I said was:

My own corollary is that if you have been practicing TM and the TM-Sidhis 
program regularly every day and start to believe that you are in Unity, you can 
consult your own personal history with the TM-Sidhis to falsify your own 
beliefs: if you haven't been floating regularly during Yogic Flying, you 
certainly haven't suddenly attained "full enlightenment."

The fact that you keep missing this is very interesting. Robin never learned 
the TM-Sidhis, and therefore presumably never practiced them, so it doesn't 
apply to him, unless he had some concern that perhaps his experience of Unity 
was incomplete and wanted to test it by learning them for that purpose.

Ironically, Robin has indicated that he has had EXTREME skepticism concerning 
Unity his own, or anyone else's, and that skepticism appears to center around 
Unity being a real perception, rather than merely some kind of hallucination. 
By most people's definition of real vs hallucination, testing his own ability 
to perform the siddhis would have laid that skepticism to rest -if the universe 
does what he wants, one might have some inkling that the universe and he really 
ARE one at some level, but he was never inclined to do this, despite MMY's own 
statements concerning this topic that appear to have been directed directly at 

Robin's own explanation that Unity means that he only does what the universe 
wants him to is somewhat tautological: if he is skeptical that the state really 
IS real, he has had, according to MMY, the means to validate/invalidate his 
skepticism but from what he says, the universe apparently didn't want him to 
make up his mind and instead obsess over it for the past quarter century.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> Gee, Lawson, Robin went over this with you in some
> depth back in June of last year:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/312523
> You don't seem to have incorporated any of what he
> told you into your own thinking--but you never refuted
> any of it either.
> Basically, the issue is that the notion of performing
> siddhis "at will" in response to a skeptical demand is
> inconsistent with how Maharishi defined Unity
> Consciousness (which is how Robin experienced it).
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ann" <awoelflebater@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Anyone can claim he or she is enlightened.  But can he or she fly?
> > > 
> > > Nobody in the TM movement can fly. Is that really a criteria related to 
> > > enlightenment? Is that anything a normal, healthy human being should be 
> > > able to do? Does it have relevance to anything worthwhile or useful? Are 
> > > humans who could fly smarter, more compassionate, more beautiful to look 
> > > at?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Basically, MMY said that anyone claiming to be in fully mature Unity 
> > Consciousness who was unable to perform any and all of the siddhis at will, 
> > was fooling themselves.
> > 
> > My own corollary is that if you have been practicing TM and the TM-Sidhis 
> > program regularly every day and start to believe that you are in Unity, you 
> > can consult your own personal history with the TM-Sidhis to falsify your 
> > own beliefs: if you haven't been floating regularly during Yogic Flying, 
> > you certainly haven't suddenly attained "full enlightenment."
> > 
> > This is similar to the check for being in full-blown CC: you may have 24 
> > hour/day witnessing, but unless your meditation period leads you into 
> > transcending for the entire period, every time, you can be certain that you 
> > are not fully in CC.
> > 
> > 
> > L
> >

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