Damn...   and here I thought Telecom contracts were one-sided.

Mine from La Antilla was quite a bit simpler, but had the same thrust.  This
one is just plain sad and a bit depressing to read.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ingegard sent me this and I scanned it. I haven’t had a chance to spell
> check it. This is the agreement she signed when she became a TM teacher.
> Agreement for Associates of Maharishi Vedic University
> between
> Stichting Maharishi Foundation International - Maharishi Vedic University
> P, O. Box 272, NL 6300 AG Valkenburg aan de GeuI, The Netherlands,
> in the following referred to as "MVU",
> and
> Family name: ............
> First and middle names:
> Postal code: .._._._l's?>..S....... Town:..._
> Country: .../>lS2.!5..~/.^£.-......-.- Telephone number
> in the following called "the Associate"
> Preamble
> As specified in detail below in this Agreementthe Associate will be
> performing the Activities in the following Aspects) of Maharishj's Vedic
> Science [ tick the relevant Aspect(s), and strike out those that are not
> relevant by drawing a horizontal line tttrough each, as shown in this
> example: 5- 4. Maharisht-Yojur Vac's ]:
> Oa   1. Transcendental Meditation 13 4. Maharishi Yajur Veda r'    7.
> Maharishi DhanurVeda SFlO. Maharishi Kalpa E" 13. Maharishi Chhanda 09 16.
> Maharishi Vaisheshika IB'13, Maharishi Karma Mimamsa S'22. Maharishi Smritf
> 13" 25. Maharishi Brahmana EET28. Maharishi Prafehakhya
> t2"3l. Maharisht Supreme Political Science £3 33, Maharishi Vedic Management
> B 35. Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health GT37. Maharishi Vedic Vibration
> Technology
> a.ManarishiRikVeda 5. Maharishi Atharva Veda 8. Maharishi Gandharva Veda
> 11. Maharishi Vyakarana
> 14. Maharishi Jyotish
> 17. Maharishi Sankhya '20. Maharishi Vedanta
> 23. Maharishi Purana '26. Maharishi Aranyaka
> 23. Maharishi Yagya
> 0   3. Maharishi Sama Veda Q- 6. Maharishi Sthapatya Veda 13  9i Maharishi
> Shiksha IB'12, Maharishi Nirukta B 15. Maharishi Nyaya S 1 SI Maharishi Yoga
> 03 21. Maharishi Ayur-Veda E3" 24. Maharishi Itihasa E"27. Maharishi
> Upanishad B'30. Maharishi Veda Land
> p 32. Maharishi Heaven on Harth.Devefopment Programme '34. Maharishi
> Corporate Development Programme ^36. Maharishi University of Management
> Facufty Development Programme
> Article 1 - Declaration of Mutual Understanding between the Parties
> At the time of signing this Agreement the accord that the main purpose of
> entering trie Agreement, is to ensure ."n ail respects, that the owledge,
> information, and methods which hereafter kne referred to collectively as
> "Maharishi's Vedic Science" fconfer Article 2, Subsection 1, Paragraph A),
> in perpetu­ity can be preserved in its complete and undistorted fcrm, and be
> imparted and practically applied in conformity with soecific or general
> instructions by MVU and its Affiliates, The Parties consider Maharishi's
> Vedic Science and its various Aspects to represent a completely unique
> theo­retical and practical knowledge, which has not been available for
> mankind in its integrated and holistic form for millennia. They concur that
> the practical ability of this knowledge to generate the beneficial results
> for the indi­vidual and the society, that have been confirmed by per­sonal
> experience and scientific research, exclusively de­pends on the
> authenticity, integrity, and wholeness of both the knowledge and the
> procedures for its applica­tion; and they agree on the paramount importance
> of r^ ^serving these qualities that have been restored to the Ljwledge in
> this generation only due. to the extensive work and efforts of MVU and its
> Affiliates under the guid­ance of His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The
> Par­ties acknowledge that MVU and its associated individuals and
> organizations have invested considerable amounts of time and finances in
> restoring the knowledge of Maharishi's Vedic Science, and that .this fact
> contributes to the importance of preserving the authenticity and in­tegrity
> of the know/edge and the teaching procedures. The Associate and MVU further
> agree that the general laws of society as of to-day do not offer sufficient
> specific protection for the theory and practical application of Maharishi's
> Vedic Science thereby creating a need for this detailed Agreement to
> supplement the general legis­lation.
> Subsection 2 MVU greatly appreciates the Associate's decision to take upon
> himself the responsibility to be a leader in his society by making
> Maharishi's Vedic Sci-
> ence available to the population in his area as described in this Agreement.
> The Associate understands that he will only be accepted to become or to
> continue being active and/or to train with MVU and its Affiliates, if he
> agrees tc participate without any reservation in protecting the authenticity
> of the knowledge of Maharishi's Vedic Sci­ence in accord with the scheme
> laid out in the following. He agrees that only graduation from approved
> training by MVU or its Affiliates would enable him to offer any serv­ices in
> the field of Maharishi's Vedic Science or any of its Aspects that are at
> present available or that will be made available in the future. He therefore
> also undertakes the obligations of this Agreement with regard to any
> training, instruction, and other information, that he has received in any
> Aspect of Maharishi's Vedic Science before the date of this Agreement,
> thereby explicitly confirming and sup­plementing all obligations, that he
> has assumed in the context of such previous training or instruction.
> Subsection 3  Notwithstanding the concrete provisions in this Agreement
> concerning finances and monetary obli­gations, the Parties agree that the
> protection of the integ­rity and authenticity of the knowledge of
> Maharishi's Ve­dic Science is a concern of more profound consequence, than
> any material consideration, and that such material interest   under  no
> circumstances   shall   hamper  the achievement of the protect/on of this
> valuable intellectual right as laid out in the following articles. The
> Associate also acknowledges that his engagement in the Activities (confer
> Article 2, Subsection 1, Paragraph D) primarily is motivated by his
> altruistic desire to benefit fellow human beings and society as a whole by
> means of the theoreti­cal and practical application of Maharishi's Vedic
> Science as administered by MVU, and by the personal inspiration and
> evolution that such activity may produce in his own life. The Parties are
> aware that whether the Activities can be expected to generate any income for
> the Associate will depend on to which extent individuals and society as a
> whole will be able to appreciate and assimilate the knowledge of Maharishi's
> Vedic Science.
> Article 2 - Definitions of Some Terms used in this Agreement
> Subsection 1 The most important terms used in this Agreement are defined as
> follows:
> A: "Maharishi's Vedic Science" means the entire informa­tion contained in
> the classical Veda, originating from In­dia˜the Land of the Veda˜as 
> restored
> to its long lost dignity of completeness and fullness by His Holiness
> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi through MVU and its Affiliates.
> B: "Aspect of Maharishi's Vedic Science" means one of several areas of
> knowledge in which Maharishi's Vedic Science unfolds, however, all
> encompassing the essen­tial holistic concept of Maharishi's Vedic Science.
> As of the date of this Agreement the Aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Science
> include, but are not limited to those listed in the Preamble of this
> Agreement. The development of Maharishi's Vedic Science is an ongoing
> process, and
> the Parties are aware that new Aspects are likely to be in­troduced in the
> future through the research of MVU, and that existing Aspects may still
> undergo further adjustment and refinement leading to changes in structure
> and con­tent (including the transliteration of the Sanskrit compo­nents in
> texts and names).
> C: "Confidential Knowledge" means all theoretical infor­mation and practical
> procedures relating to Maharishi's Vedic Science, that are imparted to the
> Associate in the form of courses or as individual or general instructions
> with the explicit or implicit indication that the knowledge thus being made
> available is intended for his own use only to enable him to carry out the
> Activities (confer Para­graph D in this Subsection). Whether information is
> to be considered to have been indicated to be Confidential Knowledge, may
> for instance depend on (1) the content ted material issued by MVU or its
> Affiliates and/or pnrg) or electronically or otherwise recorded teaching
> -ct\ make up the teaching material of a course, or (2) f  policies and
> guidelines, whether issued by MVU or its A*fi|iates in writing, orally,
> visually, or electronically con-erning the information in question. The term
> also   in­cludes but is not limited to the content of this Agreement as well
> as all information with which the Associate in con­nection with the
> Activities may become familiar concern­ing: financial data and procedures;
> personal data; organ­isational structures and proceedings; and general
> opera­tions and planning concerning MVU and its Affiliates. MVU shall always
> be considered to be the ultimate authority in deciding on questions
> concerning confiden­tiality.
> D: "The Activities" means all activities by the Associate, that he carries
> out for MVU or its Affiliates. The Activities may consist of but are not
> limited to: Administration, management, promotion, sales on a retail or
> wholesale basis, processing of applications for National and Interna­tional
> courses, public performances, written or oral '. nslation, giving
> consultations, prescription or perform-4rfce of treatments, lecturing,
> teaching of courses, etc.
> E: "Service Names" means trade marks, names, designs, and logos and other
> non-lexical graphical structures, that, whether officially registered or not
> designate or refer to any of the .services or prpduc.tSj offered by MVU or
> its.Af--.
> " '
> F: "The Parties" means the Associate and MVU together.
> G: "Affiliates" means organisations, companies, or indi­viduals who at the
> point in time or during the period being considered in the past have been,
> presently are, or in the future shall be expressly declared by MVU to be
> desig­nated as Affiliates. The term is not limited to only covei cases of
> legal, economical, managerial, or other formal relationships, but may
> include instances of an organisa­tion, a company, or an individual merely
> sharing a com­mitment to Maharishi's Vedic Science at the time of
> des­ignation as an affiliate.
> H: "'uther Programmes" means any commercial or non­commercial teachings,
> operations, or proceedings that with regard to: intellectual content;
> general philosophical and ideological concept; procedures, methods, and
> techniques; format and set-up; or overall style and ap­pearance have a
> resemblance to one or more of the pre­sent or future Aspects of Maharishi's
> Vedic Science, and that are not offered or carried out in conformity with
> in­structions by MVU or its Affiliates. Whether the term is used to cover
> cases of resemblance to one or more As­pect, or to all Aspects of
> Maharishi's Vedic Science will be specified in the respective Articles where
> the term is being used. The definition in this Paragraph for example
> includes but is not limited to the following types of activity when
> resembling but not related to Maharishi's Vedic Science as described above:
> theoretical philosophical teaching; instruction in techniques and methods
> for per­sonal development or mental or physical healing; appli­cation of
> educational modes and designs for presenting teacfilngs or philosophical
> principles; and prescription or performance of health-care methods and
> treatments, as well as counselling, that are not officially recognized by
> public health Authorities.
> Article 3 - The Relation between MVU and the Associate
> Subsection 1 The Associate is hereby accepted by MVU to function as an
> associate in the Aspect(s) of Maharishi's Vedic Science identified in the
> Preamble, and subject to the specific guidelines and policies which at ^'/
> given time apply for the Activities. The Associate un­derstands that his
> obligations according to this Agree­ment are towards MVU only, and that in
> case of discrep­ancy any instruction from MVU shall supersede instruc­tions
> from its present or future Affiliates. In case the As­sociate has any reason
> to doubt the affiliation between an individual or an organisation and MVU,
> it is his respon­sibility to immediately clarify the situation by inquiring
> with MVU directly.
> Subsection 2 The Associate understands that the Activi­ties may have the
> format either of activity as a volunteer, of engagement as an independent
> agent, or of employ­ment, dependent on the actual contract which may be set
> up between MVU or its Affiliates and the Associate. If no
> contract is established, the Associate is considered to be a volunteer. The
> Activities may occupy any large or small amount of the Associate's time per
> day. The Associate is aware that, the content of the contract of engagement,
> such as may be established with MVU or its Affiliates, and the policies and
> guidelines in force, will decide whether and to what extent he will receive
> remuneration for the Activities. If so, the payment may take the form of e.
> g. allowances, a commission, or a salary.
> Subsection 3 This Agreement does not bind MVU or its Affiliates to enter
> into any contract of employment or other engagement with the Associate, nor
> does it itself constitute such a contract of employment or engage­ment. The
> validity of any provision in this Agreement does not depend on whether any
> additional contract is established, and the Associate also agrees to honour
> his obligations according to this Agreement, whether or not he will be
> receiving remuneration for his activity.
> Subsection 1 If a contract of engagement is made be­tween the Parties, the
> range of responsibility of the As­sociate with regard to the Activities that
> he will be per­forming will be defined in that contract. If the Associate
> functions as a volunteer, his responsibility in this regard is. defined by
> the representatives of MVU in the context of each instance of the Activities
> which he takes upon him­self to accomplish. The Associate can only engage in
> those types of the Activities for which he has received specific approval by
> MVU or its Affiliates. Such approval will depend on his training as well as
> his experience and previous performance, and can be revoked at any time at
> the discretion of MVU.
> Subsection 2 To ensure a complete coverage by this Agreement the Parties
> concur, that, no matter whether an authorization for the Associate to
> perform any of the Ac­tivities is issued by MVU or its Affiliates before or
> after :he date of this Agreement, the Associate will be commit-;ed by his
> obligations according to this Agreement with ii^ard to that Activity. If
> such authorization is issued in ...e form cf a specific contract,'any
> stipulation whose va-idity according to that contract is related to a
> particular :ime limit or period of time, shall remain unaffected by the
> Drovisions of this Agreement, unless the Activities of the Associate are
> terminated with reference to the stipula-ions in this Agreement concerning
> violations.
> Subsection 3 The Associate understands, that for all the Activities a
> certain format and set of- policies and guide-ines apply with regard to
> promotion as well as perform­ance, fees, finance procedures, reporting etc.;
> and he
> agrees to fully comply with these requirements and any additional
> instructions that he may be given by MVU or its
> Affiliates. He especially confirms that he is aware that all knowledge of
> any Aspect cf Maharishi's Vedic Science i only to be utilized, taught, or
> otherwise expounded in a format and a set-up that are fully approved by MVU
> at the time in question. The Associate accepts that policies and guidelines
> may be subject to change over time and un­dertakes to inquire with MVU if he
> has any reason to be­lieve that any policy or guideline has been changed. If
> he finds a need for changing or replacing procedures or ma­terial
> established or developed by MVU, he will always ensure that the approval by
> MVU is obtained prior to tak­ing such steps.
> Subsection 4 The Associate may only perform the Activi­ties within
> geographical areas for which he has been ap­proved by MVU. Such approval may
> be designed so as to cover certain Aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Science or
> certain types of the Activities only, and may be regulated in details to
> cater for different sectors of the geographical area(s) in question. The
> approval may be revoked or re­vised at MVU's discretion.
> Subsection 5 With regard to his general personal con­duct the Assocfate will
> obey the laws of the country where he is performing the Activities, and he
> will abstain from all actions that would not befit the dignity of
> Maharishi's Ve­dic Science. If he has reason to believe that instructions
> from MVU do not comply with national law he will imme­diately inform MVU
> about this. In case he contracts any physical or mental illness, that is
> likely to influence his ability to perform the Activities for a period of
> some length, the Associate will inform MVU or its Affiliates about it. ,
> 1
> is 1
> Article 5 - General Rules Regarding Responsibility for Finances
> subsection 1 Whenever his responsibility includes han-iling of finances, the
> Associate will keep accounts re-*f rding all transactions according to
> guidelines, such as
> may be issued by MVU, and he will always on request make such accounts
> available for the inspection of MVU or its representatives.
> Article 6 - The Legal Status of the Associate
> Subsection 1 This Agreement does not entitle the Asso-:iate to legally
> represent MVU in any way, nor does it five him any power of attorney; and it
> establishes no luthority for the Associate to assume or, intentionally or
> inintentionally, create any obligation, claim, or guarantee in behalf of
> MVU. He confirms that he is solely responsi-ile for ensuring that all the
> Activities are fully in accord /tth the laws and regulations in force. The
> Associate ecognizes that the Activities can never generate any iroprietary
> rights for him or any other legal entity as nentioned in Article 12,
> Subsection 3, with regard to the eachings, procedures, service names, or
> other material r intellectual properties of MVU or its Affiliates.
> Subsection 2 If the laws in the geographical area of ac­tivity demand an
> official licence or permission for the As­sociate to perform any of the
> Activities for which he is or in the future may become approved by MVU, such
> ap­proval by MVU shall only be considered valid as long as the Associate is
> licensed by the competent authorities. If his licence is revoked he shall
> forthwith inform MVU of this. The Associate is aware that if any of the
> Activities due to local laws necessitates coverage by insurance, it is his
> responsibility to make arrangements accordingly.
> ^^Fgyhgigction 1 The Associate is aware that he is accepted ^f to carry out
> the Activities in the field of Maharishi's Vedic V  Science only for
> purposes defined by MVU and not for W   any private purpose. He acknowledges
> that all individuals f     or organisations, with whom he will be dealing
> during his Activities as an Associate, including those engaged by MVU, are
> the exclusive personal contacts of MVU, He will therefore in perpetuity
> refrain from making use of such contacts for promoting or recommending any
> Other Programmes that have a resemblance to any of the As­pects of
> Maharishi's Vedic Science. He will for instance always abstain from
> encouraging individuals, who are or have been performing Activities for MVU,
> to involve in Other Programmes.
> Subsection 2 Furthermore he will always encourage fel­low employees, agents,
> and volunteers who are carrying out Activities for MVU to follow established
> guidelines. If he notices any deviation from policies or guidelines in
> force, he wilt immediately act to correct the situation first /addressing
> the person whom he believes to be violat­ing the guidelines, and secondly by
> alerting MVU's repre­sentatives to this fact, if the primary approach proves
> fruitless.
> Article 7 - Protection of the Personal Contacts of MVU
> Subsection 3 The Associate will keep records of name and/or addresses of
> business contacts, course partici pants, consultation clients, customers
> etc. only to the ex tent instructed by MVU; and he will do so only in a
> forma and using media for storage (electronic or other) accord ing to
> instruction. The Associate agrees that these file-remain the property of MVU
> and to exclusively use then in connection with his Activities for MVU and
> only accord ing to specific instruction. He will store such address file:
> under double lock and will not make any part or whole o the address files
> available to any other person or organi sation unless instructed by MVU to
> do so. Nor will he ir any way copy the information contained in these files.
> Subsection 4 The Associate will at any given time give MVU access to all
> such files as mentioned in Subsectior 3, and at the request of MVU he will
> without delay hanc over these files in their entirety to the representatives
> o MVU. If for legal reasons they cannot be handed over tc MVU, the files and
> all copies, if any, shall be erased in z process which allows MVU to verify
> that the informatior has been completely deleted.
> Article 8 - Protection of Confidential Knowledge
> Subsection 1 In order to protect the knowledge of Maharishi's Vedic Science
> the Associate undertakes in perpetuity to keep secret all parts of the
> Confidential Knowledge and not to attempt to give it out in any form,
> written, oral, electronic, or other, to any individual or or­ganisation. Nor
> shall he discuss the Confidential Knowl­edge with third parties or in any
> form make copies or summaries of the Confidential Knowledge in whole or in
> part without prior approval from MVU. He specifically agrees to take upon
> himself this obligation with regard to Confidential Knowledge that he has
> been entrusted with b/^fore as well as after the date of this Agreement,
> s**reby confirming and supplementing commitments made by him in connection
> with previous training and in­struction by MVU or its Affiliates.
> Subsection 2 The Associate agrees to exclusively use the Confidential
> Knowledge within the set-up of MVU or
> its Affiliates, and then in absolute accord with MVU's in­structions in
> force at the time in question and to discon­tinue the use of the
> Confidential Knowledge, if so in­structed. Because the unity, wholeness, and
> integration between the components of Maharishi's Vedic Science are
> quintessential characteristics of this science and de­cisive for the results
> that it can yield, he furthermore ac­cepts that the obligation stated in the
> previous sentence shall be binding, even if parts of the said information
> may be or may become available from other sources than MVU or its
> Affiliates.
> Subsection 3 The Associate is aware that policies and guidelines concerning
> Confidential Knowledge may be subject to change over time and undertakes to
> inquire with MVU, if he has any reason to believe that a certain policy
> regarding Confidential Knowledge has been re­vised.
> Article 9 - Other Programmes and Activities Not Related to MVU
> Subsection 1 The Associate agrees in perpetuity to ab­stain from using or
> referring to any names, marks, or lo­gos that are identical with or similar
> to the service names or trade marks applied now or in the future by MVU, for
> any other purposes than those approved by MVU.
> Subsection 2 The Associate appreciates that when he is being active for MVU,
> the success of the Activities will entirely be based on the quality of the
> theoretical and oractical elements in Maharishi's Vedic Science and on
> the goodwill and reputation generated by the world-wide organisation of MVU
> and its Affiliates over several dec­ades. He agrees that from the date of
> this Agreement and until seven years after the end of his last activity as
> an Associate, he will not in any way support, promote, or offer any services
> or products relating to Other Programmes that have a resemblance to any of
> the As­pects of Maharishi's Vedic Science.
> Subsection 3 The Associate additionally accepts in per­petuity to refrain
> from in any way .supporting, promoting, or offering any services or products
> relating to Other Pro­grammes that have a resemblance to those Aspects of
> Maharishi's Vedic Science in which the Associate will be active as indicated
> in the Preamble, and in which he therefore has or will receive specific
> training and experi­ence with MVU. This also applies if such involvement
> does not comprise the use of Confidential Knowledge.
> Subsection 4 He also agrees from the date of this Agreement and until the
> date of the end of his last activity as an Associate of MVU to keep MVU
> informed and up-to-date in full detail, if he for his own personal use
> should start or continue to avail himself of any Other Pro­grammes that have
> a resemblance to any Aspect of Ma-harishi's Vedic Science.
> Subsection 5 The Associate is aware that forever in the \iture, when
> promoting services or products which are
> not related to MVU or its Affiliates, any public referenc\ that he may wish
> to make to his past or present cornec^ tion to MVU and/or any of its
> affiliated organisations om individuals require prior written approval by
> MVU: Such an approval can be revoked at any time at MVU's discre­tion.
> Subsection 6 If the Associate is officially registered as being authorised
> to give prescriptions or perform treat­ments in conformity with the public
> health care system, the provisions in Subsections 2 and 3 shall not prevent
> him from providing his services in this regard to the ex­tent established by
> law or long-standing custom on the condition that services or products
> relating to Other Pro­grammes that have a resemblance to any of the Aspects
> of Maharishi's Vedic Science, as far as venue and any public relations
> activity are concerned, are not promoted or offered in the same set-up as
> the services or products of Maharishi's Vedic Science.
> Article 10 - Material Provided by MVU for Use by the Associate
> Subsection 1 The Associate recognizes that MVU has he exclusive copyrights
> to all teaching and administration naterial which he will be using, be it
> printed matter, hand-vritten notes, video or audio tapes, computer
> pro-jrammes or files, etc. He will not copy or allow anyone ;!se to copy any
> part of the material with which he is en-
> usted, unless he receives written instruction by MVU to to so, and in that
> case only to the extent that he is in-tructed. -- 
> -.;-,;
> Subsection 2 He also acknowledges that all such mate-sal, as mentioned in
> the previous Subsection, which he as obtained or in the future may obtain as
> a participant t any of MVU's training courses or other education, in-luding
> his own lecture, notes, be they hand-written or lectronically stored, remain
> the property of MVU and lust be returned to MVU immediately at its request,
> in-luding all copies, if any. Hence, he hereby legally as-gns to MVU all
> copyrights concerning the above men-Dned lecture notes and other recording
> that he may ave made in the past or shall make in the future.
> ubsection 3 For use in the Activities the Associate may 3 equipped with
> various printed material, audio or video ;pes, tools, instruments,
> electronic apparatus, vehicles,
> aching utensils, etc. in order to facilitate the Activities, ne Associate
> is aware that these items remain the
> operty of MVU, and as long as they are in his custody,
> it is his responsibility to ensure that they are used only for the intended
> purpose and do not suffer damage or get lost in any way, and that they are
> stored and handled in strict accordance with specific guidelines in force.
> If at his own costs he has caused equipment etc. to be produced according to
> instructions by MVU, these items are subject to the provision in this
> Subsection. If MVU should request the items, mentioned in the previous
> sentence, to be handed over by the Associate, he may receive a com­pensation
> for the costs incurred for the production which amount shall be regulated
> with a view to depreciation and what is reasonable under the circumstances.
> Subsection 4 The Associate understands that if he de­velops any material for
> use in the Activities, such material must be approved by MVU before it can
> be applied. Fur­thermore he recognizes that the material remains the
> property of MVU even after the termination of his Activi­ties for MVU, and
> he hereby formally transfers to MVU all copyrights to such material that he
> within the set-up of MVU or its Affiliates and for use in the Activities has
> de­veloped or may develop in the future.
> Subsection 5 The Associate authorizes MVU to do all it regards necessary to
> effect such assignment as men­tioned in Subsections 3 and 4 of this Article,
> including but not limited to entering into a copyright assignment agreement
> on his behalf.
> Article 11 - Violation of the Agreement
> jbsection 1 The Associate agrees that violation by him this Agreement is
> likely to cause considerable intellec-al and economic damage to the
> knowledge of Maha-ihi's Vedic Science and to the past and future work and
> :tivity of MVU, which cannot be assessed without great 'ficulty and
> inaccuracy. Hence, in case of a substantial
> violation by him of this Agreement the Associate shall without prior warning
> be liable to pay a fixed sum of EUR 1,500 at the request of MVU, and to
> continue making such payment for every action that he performs in viola­tion
> of the Agreement and for every day such violation continues. The same
> applies if the Associate violates any Hlrovision in this Agreement after
> having been once in-Ktructed in writing by MVU to abstain frcm such action.
> 7 Substantial violations in the sense of this Article include '  but are not
> limited to all violations of: Article 3, Subsec­tion 1, Article 4,
> Subsections 3 and 4; Article 7, Subsec­tions 1, 3, and 4; Article 8; Article
> 9, Subsections 1, 2, and 3: Article 10, Subsections 1 and 2; and Article 12,
> Subsection 3.
> gubsection 2 The Associate accepts to be liable for ail direct damages and
> to indemnify MVU with regard to any indirect claims, demands, losses, or
> liabilities that may arise from a breach by him of any stipulation in this
> Agreement.
> Subsection 3 With the situation provided for in Article 12, Subsection 3, as
> the only exception, the rules in this Arti­cle, Subsection 1 and 2
> respectively, constitute two alter­native possibilities of addressing an
> infraction and cannot both be applied for the same action of violation.
> Subsection 4 The Associate also accepts that MVU i addition shall be
> entitled to an injunction to prevent or ir tercept a breach of the
> Agreement. Such injunction she also be applicable with regard to violations
> against whic the provisions in Subsection 1 are invoked, becaus monetary
> compensation alone cannot be expected t provide sufficient remedy for
> substantial violations as de scribed above. In case of a substantial
> violation of thi Agreement MVU and its affiliates at their discretion ca<
> terminate without notice whatever contract or engage ment they may have with
> the Associate.
> Subsection 5 Changes in policies and guidelines con cerning the Activities
> or Confidential Knowledge can nc be given retroactive effect with regard to
> the provision: concerning violation of the Agreement and the conse quences
> thereof.
> Article 12 - General Provisions
> Subsection 1 This Agreement remains in force until it is terminated with the
> written consent of both Parties. In case the Agreement is terminated the
> provisions in Arti­cles 8 and 9 shall remain in force and not be subject to
> termination. The Agreement can only be amended in writing and .with the
> consent of .both Parties. The Parties agree that the Agreement shall be
> signed in one original which shall remain in the custody of MVU, and that
> the Associate shall be entitled to require one copy of the original from MVU
> following the procedure outlined in Subsection 5 of this Article.
> Subsection 2 This Agreement and the rights of MVU hereunder shall be
> assignable in whole or in part by MVU to any successor, subsidiary, or
> affiliate of MVU, and the Associate hereby beforehand agrees to such
> assignation that MVU may wish to institute. The rights of the Associ-?««
> according to this Agreement cannot be assigned to ^ individual or
> organisation.
> Subsection 3 If the Associate wishes to carry out any of the Activities in
> the set-up of a limited company, a foun­dation, an association, or any other
> legal entity, be it an existing one or one established for the purpose, this
> needs prior written approval by MVU regarding all details of the
> arrangement. Such approval shall be conditional on the said legal entity
> accepting in a legally binding writ­ten statement to be fully obliged by all
> stipulations in this Agreement. MVU may at any time at its discretion revoke
> its approval according to this Subsection. The Associate in addition hereby
> confirms that, if a set-up involving an impersonal legal entity as described 
> above is established, he personally shall remain fully bound by all 
> obligations in this Agreement with regard to all actions, dispositions, or 
> omissions that can in any way be considered to be the responsibility of the 
> legal entity. In such a case the remedies provided for by Article 11 shall 
> be considered to be cumulative and to be applicable in relation to the legal 
> entity and the Associate at the same time.
> Subsection 4 In the case of his passing away or he beinc placed under legal 
> restraint, the Associate explicitly wishes the administration of his estate 
> as well as his heirs, if any, to be bound by the obligations according tc 
> Article 7, Subsections 3 and 4, and Article 10, Subsec­tions 1,2, 3, and 4, 
> The-Associate will ensure that the ob­jects concerned can be identified 
> amongst his belong­ings.
> Subsection 5 All communications concerning this Agreement, fricluding a 
> change of his address, that the Associate may wish to convey to MVU must be 
> sent by registered mail to the address stated on the first page of the 
> Agreement. Any communication concerning violation of the Agreement that MVU 
> may wish to impart to the As­sociate will be deemed to have been received by 
> the As­sociate ultimately five days after having been sent by registered 
> mail to the address of which the Associate has informed MVU according to the 
> rules in this Agreement.
> Subsection 6 If the Parties have entered or in the future shall enter into 
> more agreements with the same title as the one of this Agreement, all these 
> agreements shall be considered valid and be interpreted to supplement each 
> other as far as the Aspects of Maharishi's Vedic Science within which the 
> Associate will be active, are concerned, unless one or more has specifically 
> been cancelled in ac­cordance with the procedure stated in Subsection 1 of 
> this Article. With regard to the specific provisions the most recently 
> signed copy of the Agreement shall be considered to have superseded the 
> previous ones.
> Subsection 7 If the Associate and MVU or its Affiliates shall enter into one 
> or more written agreement that ex­plicitly states that the said agreement 
> within a certain geographical territory replaces this Agreement, this 
> Agreement shall be considered void with respect to that geographical 
> territory, whereas it shall be considered to
> fllllv  in   fnrr~f»  for  th
> Jninri   norto   /-if  Hid
> for which such specific agreements between the Associ­ate and MVU or its 
> Affiliates have not been set up.
> Subsection 8 Titles of Articles in this Agreement ser the purpose of 
> providing, an overview only, and shall r influence the interpretation of the 
> Agreement.
> Article 13 - Resolution of Disputes, Jurisdiction, and National Laws to 
> Govern this Agreement
> Subsection 1 This Agreement shall be governed by the national laws of The 
> Netherlands. If a dispute under this Agreement cannot be solved by 
> negotiation between the Parties, then MVU or its affiliates can decide 
> according to its discretion to seek to settle the controversy through 
> arbitration in a private arrangement. In cases where MVU decides not to 
> refer the resolution of a dispute to an arbi­tral tribunal as described in 
> Subsection 2, disputes be­tween the Parties shall be subject to the 
> jurisdiction of the courts of The Netherlands. :
> Subsection 2 In case arbitration is being availed of for settling a dispute 
> the arbitral tribunal shall be composed of three arbitrators. One of the 
> three arbitrators shall be
> ^appointed by MVU and one by the Associate. The third
> ^bitrator shall function as a chairman and be appointed by the two 
> afore-mentioned arbitrators together. If the two arbitrators cannot agree, 
> the chairman shall be appointed by a competent court under the jurisdiction 
> of The Neth­erlands at the choice of MVU and deciding in accordance with the 
> criteria stipulated in this Agreement. The Parties
> .agree, that, it is essential that the arbitral tribunal is cur­rently 
> familiar and up to date with the theoretical and practical elements of 
> Maharishi's Vedic Science which is
> ..the main subject of this Agreement, and that the tribunal appreciates the 
> fundamental purpose of the Agreement to maintain the integrity of 
> Maharishi's Vedic Science. Therefore the chairman must have graduated from 
> the Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course and within the 
> preceding nine months and before being ap­pointed arbitrator have 
> participated in courses, seminarsj or assemblies organized by MVU or any of 
> its national or international, affiliates. At least one of the arbitrators 
> must successfully have completed a legal training at an offi­cially 
> recognized educational institution. In order to en-
> ^Jre that the arbitrators are independent and impartial no person can be 
> appointed as an arbitrator if within the last twelve months he has had an 
> employment or any other similar paid engagement with MVU or any of its 
> affiliates.
> Subsection 3 When arbitration has been chosen as the means for resolving a 
> dispute between the Parties they shall appoint a lawyer who is well versed 
> in English and currently licensed under the jurisdiction of The Nether­lands 
> to function as an administrator to the arbitration process. If the Parties 
> cannot agree, the administrator shall be appointed by a competent court 
> under the juris­diction of The Netherlands and chosen by MVU.
> Subsection 4 The arbitration shall be carried out in Eng­lish and all 
> hearings must take place in the Netherlands at a venue chosen by MVU and 
> acceptable for the pur­pose according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda. The 
> arbitral hearings shall not be open to the public or to the media. All 
> arbitrators and any other person who in the course of the arbitration 
> procedure will have access to anv informa-
> tion concerning the reality or the formality of the case hand shall be 
> required to confirm in writing that they v in perpetuity keep such 
> information secret and not < vulge it to any individual or organisation. All 
> cornmunic tion in writing and all exchange of documents relevant f the 
> arbitral proceedings shall take place via the admini trator, who shall keep 
> a copy of all such written materi pertaining to the arbitration. The Parties 
> agree that i award by an arbitral tribunal shall be enforceable by lea^ of 
> court according to the same principles as would be tt case for a judgement 
> issued by a court as laid out Subsection 6. The arbitration award shall be 
> issued writing in six copies one of which shall be submitted the district 
> court within whose jurisdiction the arbitratic has taken place.
> Subsection 5 For the process of private arbitration, d< scribed in this 
> article, the provisions in this Article shall t supplemented by the 
> principles laid out in the followir articles and paragraphs in the 
> Arbitration Rules of Net! eriands Arbitration institute, in force as of 1 
> Januai 1993, and with the practical adjustments that the contei of this 
> Agreement would-necessitate: 1, 3, 4(1), 5, 6( and 6), 7(1. 3, 4, and 5), 8, 
> 9(3, 4, and 6), 10, 11, 13(3 15, 16(1, 3, and 4), 17, 18, 19, 2.0, 21, 23, 
> 24, 25, 26, 2' 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 3S, 42, 43, 44, 4i 
> 48(1, 2, and 3), 49, 50(1 and 2), 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 51. 59(1,2,3,4,5, and 
> 6), 60, 61, 62, 63, 64. and 65.
> Subsection 6 In case MVU chooses not to settle a di; pute by means of 
> arbitration, such dispute shall be sut mitted to the decision of a court in 
> The Netherlands. If judgement by a Dutch court would not be fully enforce 
> able in the country where an infraction of the Agreemer is taking place or 
> has taken place, or in the countr where the Associate is resident, MVU may 
> at its discre tion choose to bring in a case for the relevant court in on or 
> both of those countries. If a legal venue is chose outside The Netherlands, 
> MVU is free to decide whethe the Agreement shall be considered to be 
> governed by th. national laws of The Netherlands, or whether local law can 
> be applied by the court in the evaluation of thi Agreement. Unless the 
> competent court shall otherwisi dismiss the case, the stipulation in the 
> previous sentenci shall not inflict an altogether more onerous situation oi 
> the Associate than if the case was evaluated according t< Dutch law. :::.^v 
> '-' .;: -
> Subsection 7 No waiver of, acquiescence in, or consen to any breach or 
> default.under this Agreement shall b< deemed a waiver of, acquiescence in or 
> consent to an; other breach or default occurring at any time. If any par of 
> this Agreement shall be ruled by the competent court according to Subsection 
> 6 of this Article, to be void or un enforceable the remaining part of the 
> Agreement shal remain in force and be interpreted in accordance with the it 
> of the Agreement, and both Parties shall co-operate ;ubstituting the void 
> provision with one as close as stole in content to the one that has proved 
> unenforce-;. In case the competent court shall find that a provi-
> sion, in this Agreement cannot be upheld for the full pe­riod of time 
> stipulated, trie court shall be at liberty to de­cide on a shorter time 
> period which shad be as iong as possible.
> :n though this Agreement may be written in another language than his native 
> tongue, the Associate confirms with his jsture that he has fully understood 
> its content, including the technical terms in Sanskrit, that all his 
> questions con-ting the Agreement have been answered to his satisfaction, 
> that he has availed himself of independent legal advice he extent that he 
> has deemed necessary, and that he intends to be morally and legally pound by 
> tine Agreement j Agreement has been signed by both Parties, and each page of 
> the original Agreement and of the official transla-, tf any, marked fay the 
> Associate with his initials. The Associate specifically confirms that he 
> agrees to being bound tie stipulations in ArtMe 7. Subsection 1, Article 9. 
> Subsections 2 and 3, and Article 11, Subsections 1 and 2, and : he accepts 
> the stipulations concerning jurisdiction and national laws governing the 
> Agreement in Article 13 without reservations.
> ;ociate:
> E of signature:...... J <2..r...9.3..'....Q..S.
> nature:.
> \
> For MR -MVU:
> Place:
> Date of signature:
> Signature: .....≥../
> / O/
> Name in printing:
> rification by two witnesses qt a notary (depending on instruction by MVU) 
> concerning the Associate with re~ rd to his identity and the place, date, 
> and authenticity of his signature, and, in the case of witnesses, 
> verifi-fion that the signing procedure has been carried out as indicated in 
> the addendum above:
> itness A:
> gnature:
> amein block letters:
> Jdress:
> Witness B:
> Signature:
> Name in block .etters:
> Address: .'J.__J.

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