On 03/19/2013 11:20 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "sparaig" <LEnglish5@...> wrote:
>> It turns out that the EEG pattern of long-term TMers during TM remains the 
>> same as the EEG pattern found in short-term TMers: it's simple relaxation, 
>> no matter how long you have been doing it. Pure Consciousness is just the 
>> same pattern in its most extreme form.
>> In every other meditation technique with published research, you see a shift 
>> away from simple relaxation towards something different, as you become more 
>> experienced.
>> In other words, I wouldn't trust the words of a non-TM teacher with regards 
>> to your TM practice. They literally don't understand where you are at and 
>> can only attempt to transform your practice into their practice.
> Ahem. Isn't another way of interpreting your first two
> paragraphs that there is no *progress* in TM? *You*
> are the one interpreting simple relaxation (which never
> gets deeper or more profound) with "Pure Consciousness."
> I doubt that scientists would.
> As for "not trusing non-TM teachers," I can say that TM
> teachers don't know diddleysquat except the stuff they
> were given to memorize and parrot. That's fine, as far
> as it goes, but it really doesn't go very deep, or have
> any relevance to the larger field of meditation. They
> know a little about one tiny technique, and nothing
> about any of the others. They are actually *prevented*
> from learning about any of the others, under pain of
> banishment.
> Just sayin'...  If you dispute this, cite things that
> were taught to you on your TM Teacher Training course.
> Oh, that's right, you can't. Again, just sayin'...

Some might think of Graham Hancock as being new age woo-woo but one 
should listen to his rap that Michael Ruppert presented on his March 
10th Lifeboat Hour show on the Progressive Radio Network.  Hancock 
presents a pretty good argument about what's wrong with modern day 
consciousness research.  You can download or listen to the show here.


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