Idiot TM'ers or Let's Defend a Woman and her colleagues who defend wiring their 
hands over rapists having to face the consequences of their actions.

You are saying I am a bigot because I think someone who has been touted as a 
great success story and example of what TM can do in a person's life showing on 
a live show that is aired all over the world more, much more concern for 2 
sexual abusers than for their victim?

Share, Feste, Ravi, Judy, and 7th Ray - you are thankfully vastly in the 
minority - of the tens of thousands of comments, blogs and articles about this
 situation, the vast majority are taking Harlow and Crowley to task for their 
stupid, insensitive and unprofessional behavior - thank you God that there are 
more people NOT doing TM in the world than those doing TM if you are going to 
actually condone these women's stupidity. 

It is NEVER ok for anyone to sexually abuse or misuse a woman, period and it is 
equally not ok for people to show sympathy for
 the abusers over the victims.

So to those of you who have done so, I hope it never happens to you or your 
daughters if you have any, if it did I expect you will be singing a different 

I have good female friends who are survivors of sexual abuse and your kinds of 
bullshit attitudes are the ones that make life much more difficult for these 
survivors - in my opinion these women survivors have more beauty, grace, 
integrity, courage, sattvic energy and common sense than all of you have 
collectively in your entire body/mind/emotions in this and all other lifetimes 
put together. 

I won't tell you to go to hell because you are already there. More than 200,000 
people have signed the petition demanding an apology from CNN for these two 
women's bullshit reporting and hand wringing on behalf of the sex abusers - but 
you five know better than they do - its a shame you all aren't rajas - with 
your kind of thinking, you would really serve
 the TM propaganda machine very well.

And ps, if you watched the tapes of the beginning of the trial those two little 
bastards were yucking it up till it became obvious they were going to be found 
guilty - your sympathy is wasted on them - they are only sorry they are being 
held accountable. I guess next you will say you have sympathy for the girls 
arrested for threatening to kill the rape victim. TM has reallllly made you 
into fine example of human beings.

Last post of the week. And since it is, I will tell Buck don't worry about King 
Tony being at risk trying to straighten things out in India, all he has to do 
is think the way this lot is thinking, pat Girish on the back and ask for a cut 
of the money. He will do fine. 

 From: feste37 <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2013 8:37 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM and its Rock Stars


--- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> --- In, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> >
> > Every exchange like this just reinforces my belief that long
> > term TM makes ones brain turn into mush and removes the
> > ability to think clearly.
> Right, Michael, you're obviously the clear-thinking one here.
> Too bad you haven't been able to address a single one of the
> points that have been made. Too bad you can only make your
> case by wildly exaggerating what was said in that clip.
> > How many times do you hear reporters give a show of hand
> > wringing over the fate of convicted rapists?
> Is that what they were doing? Or were they deliberately
> emphasizing how bad the consequences were going to be
> for these boys *as a warning* to other boys who might
> be tempted to engage in similar misbehavior? As in: This
> was a crime, and these guys are going to suffer for it
> the rest of their lives. You don't want to end up like
> them.
> > A reporters job
> > is to report the facts, not commiserate with the criminals
> Neither of them was "commiserating with the criminals."
> That's insane.
> (snip)
> > Your attitude seems to be - "Oh Candy is a TM'er and so
> > anything she does is beyond reproach" - you people 
> > really are screwed up.
> No, buster, that you would think any of us had that
> attitude is what's really screwed up.
> > Take a look at what the non-TM world thinks of this crap:
> > 
> > "CNN's unconscionable coverage of the Steubenville Rape
> > Case verdict is pissing everyone off.
> For the record, there were seven segments on CNN on Sunday
> about the verdict, not just the breaking-news item, which
> is what all the fuss is about. You can check out transcripts
> of all the segments here:
> Interestingly, in the breaking-news item, following the
> appearance of the legal expert, Crowley and Harlow
> continued their discussion. Here's the transcript of
> that portion of the breaking-news item (which was not
> included in the clip):
> -----
> CROWLEY: Paul, thanks. I want to bring Poppy back in -- because, Poppy, 
> there's -- you know, the 16-year-old victim, her life, never the same, again. 
> And I understand you have been talking to some of the families involved. 
> HARLOW: Her life never the same again. Absolutely, Candy. The last thing she 
> wanted to do was sit on that stand and testify. She didn't want to bring 
> these charges. She said it was up to her parents. 
> But I want to tell our viewers about a statement that her mother just made, 
> just made in the court after the sentencing. Her mother just said that she 
> has pity on the two young boys that did this. She said human compassion is 
> not taught by teachers or coaches. It's a God-given gift, saying that you 
> displayed a lack of compassion, a lack of moral code, saying that you were 
> your own accuser throughout this for posting about this all over social 
> media. And she said she takes pity on them. 
> As far as her daughter, she said she will persevere, she will get through 
> this. But the words of an angry mother who now has a sentence, that I believe 
> she would consider or a verdict, just -- Candy.
> CROWLEY: CNN's Poppy Harlow, thank you. Also to our legal contributor Paul 
> Callan.
> Of course, we will be following this story throughout the day.
> -----
> And they did. But the post says:
> > Newscaster Candy Crowley, general correspondent Poppy
> > Harlow, and legal expert Paul Callan all did their very
> > best to focus solely on the guilty verdict's repercussions
> > on the two rapists. There's next to no coverage of the
> > girl who was brutally raped; instead, they talk almost
> > exclusively of the rapistsâ€" the two teenagers who had 
> > such bright futures, and now their lives are completely
> > ruined from this one little indiscretion. Isn't it a shame
> > how they suffer?"
> This is simply not true, as you can see from the transcript
> above. I read the transcripts of a couple of the later
> segments on Sunday on the verdict, and it isn't true of them
> either.
> As I said, I'm not a fan of Crowley. But she has been treated
> unfairly in this discussion for the purpose of advancing an
> anti-TM agenda. And I think that stinks.

Unfortunately, in his zeal to denounce TM, MJ has become a bigot. He attacks 
Crowley simply because she is a TMer. Is that any better than attacking someone 
for being a Catholic, or Mormon, or a Jew? Let's suppose that someone is angry 
at the Catholic Church ("Those priests are all child molesters!") and then 
finds a news presenter who happens to be Catholic and attacks them for 
something innocuous they said, when his real purpose is to display 
anti-Catholic bigotry. Poor MJ seems to be in a state of permanent rage and 
righteous indignation, and bigotry is the result. I wish he would go fishing or 
something to calm down. 


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