Saturday, September 10, 2005 Dear Alumni and Friends, We wanted to let you know (just as soon as we knew) that H.E. Dr. Bevan Morris has asked us to postpone the Founder's Day Celebration from its traditional day, September 12, and combine it with this month's Full Moon Celebration. So there will be a glorious combined celebration in the Men's Dome this coming Friday, September 16, at 8:00 p.m. Details will follow, but we anticipate a very special evening, including some of the latest news from Holland. Also. . .Founders Day Al um ni Re un io n! Event Friday afternoon 12:00 - 1:15 a fun time will be had by all who attend lunch at Annapurna (Student Union). Share stories with classmates while we share photos of the golden olden days. Lunch is $7.00. Party will be in the room straight ahead as you enter the dining hall. RSVP so we can estimate how much space we need. See you there and remember, support nature and It will support you. Over 1000 people recently visited Maharishi Vedic City, mostly from around the state. Guess what was the most popular feature? Yep, Yogic Flying demonstrations. People were glued to their chairs and with beaming smiles asked me how long it would take them to learn. So let's all celebrate Founders Day together starting with group program. We don't have that far to go. And the foam is already set up! Jai Guru Dev Jennine Fellmer Alumni/Expansion 472-1190

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