Interesting comments:

Example - MMY's "support of Nature" claim that the relaization of Pure 
Consciousness will enable you to fulfill all of your desires.  Several problems 
with this:  (a) what about "partial" realization of the Self? Does that imply 
partial fulfillment of desires?

**Yes it does. That is why the upper limit of this process is do nothing, 
accomplish everything. What this means is that our lives begin to become more 
successful, with less effort towards our thoughts manifesting. Less wasted 
energy, less frustration, less fear of a favorable outcome. 

So, paradoxically, as we identify with the Self, we find that there are fewer 
desires to fulfill, but probably far more to play with, to entertain and 
consider, with an open mind and heart. Desires, though they come into focus 
with the intellect, begin in the heart. Once the heart is more satisfied, the 
intellect settles down too. 

 (b) if Hagelin is Self-Realized and wanted to be President, it appears his 
desire wasn't fulfilled. 

**"if Hagelin is Self-Realized...". Big if.

(c) the claim can't be falsified at first appearance; but can be tested in the 
long run by examining the outcomes of various efforts such as the ME Effect.

**yep, watch and wait.

--- In, "Yifu" <yifuxero@...> wrote:
> Vid by Adi Da.  Makes some interesting claims, like other Gurus; that people 
> are supposed to believe just because he says it.  While many of such claims 
> are not on the surface illogical or refutable, the test of time (Kali's 
> Power) inevitably exposes the falsity of such claims in the light of direct 
> experience.
> ...
> Example - MMY's "support of Nature" claim that the relaization of Pure 
> Consciousness will enable you to fulfill all of your desires.  Several 
> problems with this:  (a) what about "partial" realization of the Self? Does 
> that imply partial fulfillment of desires? (b) if Hagelin is Self-Realized 
> and wanted to be President, it appears his desire wasn't fulfilled. (c) the 
> claim can't be falsified at first appearance; but can be tested in the long 
> run by examining the outcomes of various efforts such as the ME Effect.  
> Unfortunately, whatever the outcome; proponents will claim that since karma 
> is unfathomable, the outcome supports the claim. Thus, the claims continue 
> and time is running out. In the meantime, people are supposed to 
> "believe...." the Bible, the Pope, MMY, Adi Da, etc....
> ...
> They have a right to make claims, but also should expect to eventually be 
> tested by Kali.

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