Hey Barry,

What part of Paris is the cafe located and what is its name?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> The café has now filled up more since I last wrote. Seated nearer me
> are  a couple who personify many of the stereotypes of Parisian life --
> not that there's anything wrong with that. They sat down on opposite
> sides of the table, and the first thing the guy did was to reach out and
> take the hand of his female companion. There really *does* seem to be
> some love going on here, so it's not just male "This girl is mine" shit.
> They may, in fact, be majorly IN LOVE.
> Uh-oh. Both of them just pulled out their mobiles and checked either
> their email or their messages, lost in cyberspace instead of each
> others' eyes. Maybe the First Stage Love phase has worn off to some
> extent. Or, possibly, they have both learned to tolerate each others'
> obsessions, and tolerate them gracefully. Not for me to say...I'm just a
> fly on the wall in this scenario.
> At another table is a solitary woman being solitary. She walked in
> Looking For Someone, someone who was disappointingly (for her) Not Here.
> In true Parisian fashion, she took a table, ordered a glass of
> something, and then headed straight for her mobile, to find out Where
> The Fuck the offending male or female companion who was Supposed To Be
> Here really was. She stares into her mobile screen and then smiles --
> whoever it was has come up with a suitable excuse. :-)
> At another table, an older gentleman has come in, ordered a glass of
> wine, and started writing in his paper notebook, just as I'm writing on
> my computer across the room. He glances up at me from time to time, not
> enviously in any way, but just with a "Yeah, I come here to write, too"
> look. Cool. A kindred soul. He looks a lot like the famous French actor
> André Dussolier. Good for him. I'm just lucky I don't look like the
> famous French actor Gérard Dépardieu, who has
> grown...uh...over-large in his dotage. :-)
> Anyway, this is Just Another Café Rap, in Just Another Café. Do
> with it what you wish. What you think of it doesn't affect me at all. If
> how people react to what *you* write on FFL affects you, I would
> recommend spending more time in cafés and spending less time alone at
> home in front of your computers.

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