Now, teacher alleges Girish Chandra Varma raped her for 15 years
Rageshri Ganguly
, TNN | Mar 25, 2013, 09.21 PM IST

BHOPAL: In a surprising turn of events, a teacher of Maharishi Vidya Mandir
(MVM) Ratanpur, who had earlier alleged sexual harassment
<>  against
chairman of the group Girish Chandra Varma
<> , went to
the Mahila Thana
panyid-12537.cms>  with her husband on Sunday to file an FIR
<>  of repeated rape in the same

Though the police did not register an FIR, the police station received her
written complaint. 

The victim alleged that the police were under pressure from Varma and she
would move court with a private complaint. 

In the fresh complaint, the teacher alleged that Varma not only repeatedly
raped her for 15 years from 1998, but also wanted her to bring students and
teachers of MVM <>  to him with
bad intention. Also, she had alleged that Varma had threatened her and her
husband with dire consequences, including death threats, if they did not
comply with his wishes. 

After coming out of thana, she alleged, "the attitude of the investing
officer of sexual harassment case changed after she received a call on her
mobile phone and she said that the investigation of the previous complaint
is still on and hence any action would be taken only after into the case of
sexual harassment." 

IO Seema Patel, on the other hand, remained tight-lipped.


Victim, Girish Chandra Varma with sexual harassment 
threatens to commit suicide

MUMBAI: The woman complainant who had charged Girish Chandra Varma of
Maharshi Group <>
with sexual harassment and rape has threatened to commit suicide if police
failed to register an FIR. The woman had on Sunday approached the police
alleging that Varma, chairman of Maharishi Vidya Mandir (MVM) group, had
raped her for 15 years. 

The couple also demanded that Varma should resign from the post of chairman
on moral grounds. The complainant and wife of Rajesh Sharma told media at a
press conference here on Monday that the only way left for her and her
family was to commit suicide. "Unless the police register an FIR under
sections of rape against Varma I would commit suicide in front of the chief
minister's residence within a week," the complainant said. 

"We would have to take the Geetika Sharma way ( suicide )to convince the
world that we are truthful," Sharma told the media. 

The couple also revealed the circumstances under which the victim was raped
repeatedly by Girish Chandra Varma, including the last time on January 1,
2013 in his Audi <>  car. 

The couple questioned that when the new rape law is in place, why the FIR
was not being registered. "In the name of investigation, police are just
dilly dallying since March 11. When I have detailed out the circumstances of
rape as asked by the police and have named Varma as the accused why an FIR
is not being registered in this case?," the complainant alleged. 

"It is also highly objectionable that police are accepting Varma's statement
provided to them in a CD rather than interrogating him face-to-face," she

The victim in her complaint has stated that Varma possessed some
objectionable pictures and videos of her taken during the rape, which he had
threatened to make public unless she complied with his demands. 

"Since our families knew each other much before my marriage, I tried to sort
out the matter at the women's panel. But since that has proved futile, the
police should file an FIR in this matter," she said. 

The complaint also alleged that Varma had used her husband's e-mail account
since October 2011 for sending mails and money transactions which later made
out as proof <>
against her. "Also, my husband was made to sign on many blank papers while
he was his personal secretary, which is now being used against him," she

She reiterated that Mahila Thana
panyid-12537.cms>  investigating officer (IO) Seema Patel initially heard
her complaint on Sunday but then after a phone call received by her, refused
to even hear her complaint and also slammed the state women's commission

'Defamation does not hold good' 

A police officer told TOI, on condition of anonymity that the defamation
case levelled by the complainant does not hold much water as the law says
that till an FIR has been registered, no rule says that the name should be
kept a secret. Also, the husband of the woman, Rajesh Sharma, had openly
disclosed her name on Facebook.' Previously, the complaint filed in the
women's cell was forwarded to the SP Bhopal
<>  who on enquiry by the
SDOP Misrod has the complainant's written statement that she doesn't want
any police action in the case and proceedings of state women's commission
(SWC) were enough. 

Meanwhile, ADG women's cell Aruna Mohan Rao told TOI, "We would examine all
the allegations levelled by the complainant and conduct an enquiry into
them. Any action however would be taken after seeking a legal opinion." 

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