noozguru Happy 30th Anniversary of being a computer programer.  My memory takes 
me back even farther than that.  My then husband's best friend was a programmer 
and he often carried around a stack of computer cards, but I think they were 
called something else.  Anyway, they had square holes punched into them here 
and there.  I think that's how they ran programs.  Seems like ancient history!

 From: Bhairitu <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 27, 2013 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Before Java

On 03/27/2013 10:59 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
>> No this post is not necessarily for the geeks on FFL
>> because there is a TM connection. I was thinking about
>> the problems I have with software development on a
>> certain device and thinking how dated that device is
>> though still being sold and how much better Android
>> devices are. Android being a Java based device
>> (implemented on top of embedded Linux) I recalled
>> the precursors to Java that didn't win.  <snip>
> You might be interested in the product I'm working
> on. Imagine this: an Integrated Development Environ-
> ment for building mobile apps of *all* types (Android,
> iOS, Blackberry, Win8, Palm, you name it) that is
> Eclipse-based, and which you can run on any platform
> (Windows, Unix/Linux. Macs) and build your basic app
> once, then just compile and deploy for each of the
> target environments, adding platform-specific
> enhancements in Java, Objective-C, and using
> WYSIWYG dev tools such as JQuery, Sencha, and
> Dojo. There's even a built-in app center from
> which you can deply and sell your apps.

I've probably already seen it or at least had it pitched to me (I think 
at least one is based in Europe).   I get emails on these all the time 
and installed two of the cross development platforms but they required 
learning a whole new set of classes and I'm either too lazy for that or 
don't want to invest the time in something that might be passe in a few 
years.  Bedroom software developers need to be wise in budgeting 
resources since many of the apps don't generate that much money to be a 
full time gig unless you're the one who had the wild idea that 10,000 
people had but only 3 actually developed it and you got the ring when 
the app merry-go-round came around. It's all luck (or karma).

Actually I'm a jazz musician who likes to write software.  That would 
make about 90% of the industry cringe except for that 10% consisting of 
visionary entrepreneurs who want someone creative and not just an 
"engineer."  And when it's like an artform then they might wind up 
prying my cold dead hands off the keyboard because artists never retire.

BTW, this month marks my 30th anniversary of programming computers. I 
bought a VIC-20 when they were $88 at K-Mart and two weeks later was 
writing code in assembler (BASIC was WAY too limited).  Often people 
inquiring about my services weren't even born yet when I got that 
computer.  And of course they know everything and I know nothing. :-D


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