IMO, Obama should send Dennis Rodman back to North Korea as an unofficial 
diplomat to ease the tensions.  Rodman may be able to save the world from a 
nuclear war.  It sounds funny but Rodman may have found himself a new gig for 
the time being.

--- In, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@...> 
> He (Kim Jong Un) will posture up against the US and the world vocally, and at 
> worst will instigate a minor attack against S. Korea and call it an accident. 
>  North Korea only shows enough courage to impress their own imprisoned people 
> of their power.  It's no different than a drunk thug at a bar.  He'll posture 
> up just enough to intimidate anyone who is weak or afraid, but the moment 
> someone walks up to him with any significant fighting experience, he'll shut 
> up and back down. 
> seekliberation
> --- In, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > Obama shows the US military might to North Korea.  What will Kim-Jong-Un do 
> > to up the ante?
> > 
> >
> >

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