They both suck.  The big telecoms need to be broken up.  I also heard 
how in many areas Republicans are working against community fiber optic 
plans so that their telecom buddies can extort the public.  One thing 
about AT&T though it may depend on what system locally they took over 
because around here many of the people I deal with worked for PacBell 
which was the company that Southern Bell (now AT&T) took over.  Comcast 
is like a carnival midway and you would expect carnival music while 
waiting on hold.  Regionally Sonic is the better provider but our 
Supreme Court goons ruled that AT&T could charge exorbitantly to allow 
them to piggy back on their system and they can't be on their fiber at all.

America sucks big time!

On 03/29/2013 06:19 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Take it from someone with experience - At&T sucks big time particularly when 
> it comes to Internet - Comcast sucks as far as being a TV provider, but their 
> Xfinity internet is way better than U Verse
> Warning - there is plenty of profanity - also shows the down side of being 
> attached to the outcome of an activity.
> ________________________________
>   From: Bhairitu <>
> To:
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 3:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bhairitu will enjoy this
> Maybe they will pay you some interest too.  When I switched from
> Earthlink to AT&T Broadband they were supposed to give me a $50 rebate
> to help defray the cost of the modem/router.  They messed up the account
> and I didn't get the rebate at least right away.  A little over a year
> later the modem/router died and though out of warranty I talked them
> into replacing it (probably because the support person thought that it
> sucked that it died just a little out of warranty).  In the process they
> must have reviewed the account and found they never paid me the rebate
> so sent a check with interest.
> When I went to U-Verse Internet and phone with AT&T they sent a $100
> gift card.  I knew to use it up within the first month or Visa would
> charge a fee.  So all purchases were done with it instead of cash.   I'm
> contemplating replacing Comcast with their TV service and I would get a
> $200 gift card and to same with it. There's not a lot of choice when it
> comes to TV and I've even considered doing without (cutting the cable).
> Most shows I really want to watch can still be seen using Hulu Plus and
> most of the cable network shows with Vudu or Amazon.  Comcast may start
> encrypting the limited basic channels anyway rendering my computer TV
> tuners extinct.
> On 03/26/2013 07:55 AM, Share Long wrote:
>> Thank you to Doc, Alex and noozguru for all the great info.  Let me tell you 
>> of my adventures yesterday with Verizon the Obsequious.  For my first foray 
>> they used the Bold Strategy of having me be hung up on while waiting for 
>> Customer Service.  But being the dauntless lass that FFL has made me, 
>> gratitude all around, I dialed in again, waffled through the automated menu 
>> and this time got an actual person!  Christian.  Christian who kept putting 
>> me on hold.  And then thanking me for being patient when he returned.
>> Dear Christian of course had no way of knowing that I loathe and detest when 
>> someone, even in 3D life, thanks me for being patient.  What in God's name 
>> makes them think I'm being patient?!  I'm pure pitta for God's sake!  
>> There's not a patient bone in my body.  Instead I follow Mark Russell's 
>> advice that the secret of patience is to do something else in the meantime.  
>> Now that's a strategy dear to any pitta's heart.  But back to Verizon.
>> Then Christian passed me to another person, Michelle.  Michelle with the Bad 
>> Customer Karma, where Bad refers both to the Customer, Me, and to her Karma. 
>>  Anyway, she made it clear how lucky I was that we didn't have to wait 72 
>> hours to access my account history.  They quickly located my December 2012 
>> balance which was $208.25!  But, you gotta love how the buts keep coming, 
>> but I had to buy another month for $15 to even find out if they would credit 
>> my account!  So I did.  Then she announced the total fee, $16.38 which 
>> dismayed me because for 8 1/2 years, as I told the hapless Michelle, the 
>> monthly amount with taxes was $16.05.  She floundered about, probably 
>> thinking at this point that I was a test customer.  Rather than simply a 
>> testy one ha ha.
>> We soldiered on, she put me on hold again, thanked me again for about the 6 
>> billionth time for being patient and then informed me that the amount was 
>> not only too high for her to authorize but also too high for her supervisor 
>> to authorize!  Talk about cults!
>> Soooooooooo, I will have to wait, patient person that they think I am, 
>> probably another 72 hours to see if I get the $208.25 credited back to my 
>> account.  They now know that I got other options.  But if they don't do 
>> what's right, by gum, I'm outta there and may they spend my $224.63 in good 
>> health.  Poor little Verizon, I had no idea they were so strapped for cash!
>> ________________________________
>>    From: Bhairitu <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 6:01 PM
>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Bhairitu will enjoy this
>> Better known as customer retention and also works with cable companies. ;-)
>> You can get all kinds of unadvertised deals this way.  Just say you're
>> going to walk.
>> On 03/25/2013 01:07 PM, wrote:
>>> Whoooaaaaa. Call up Verizon, and get a real person on the phone, and 
>>> explain your situation. Very much worth it. They will both work with you to 
>>> fix your problem, and often have packages to offer you that aren't 
>>> advertised. You have been a customer for eight years and they know that. 
>>> Remind them if necessary.
>>> I just went through getting my DSL + landline (att) and cell 
>>> phone(t-mobile) coverage waaay down. With t-mobile I avoided a $200 
>>> contract termination fee, and was able to xfer to a much cheaper plan w/o 
>>> contract, and free texting for 2 years.
>>> My father-in-law using Virgin Mobile just received two years of free 
>>> service, because they f*cked up his account.
>>> What I do whenever I am negotiating for better price or service is find a 
>>> competing offer, and let the incumbent know it, in addition to mentioning 
>>> any inconvenience I have suffered with current service.
>>> It works! Happy hunting.
>>> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
>>>> noozguru, any feedback appreciated.  Here's the situation:  Verizon 
>>>> basically stole $200 from me.  I've had their plan for 8 years.  Only 
>>>> use cell phone when I travel so that means hardly at all.  To keep it 
>>>> active I must buy at least $15 worth of time every month which I do.  In 
>>>> December I added $15 and had a little over $200 on the acct.  But I 
>>>> forgot to renew in time, mainly because of the holidays.  And guess 
>>>> what?  Now my account is zero!  And trying to reach them by phone is a 
>>>> nightmare.  I have emailed but hold out no hope for a reply.  So I'm 
>>>> outta there!
>>>> Meanwhile just at the right time, I received an ad from AARP for their 
>>>> cell phone service, Consumer Cellular.  $60 for a senior friendly phone 
>>>> and both a $10 and $15 monthly plan.  I mean really, I don't want to have 
>>>> to put on my reading glasses to use my cell phone, especially when I'm in 
>>>> the car!
>>>> AAA also offers a $10 month plan with Affinity Cellular.  Are these what 
>>>> you're calling scammy contract phones?  Would T Mobile give good coverage 
>>>> both in Iowa and in Maryland when I visit my family?  Thanks for any info.
>>>> ________________________________
>>>>     From: Bhairitu <noozguru@...>
>>>> To:
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 11:55 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Bhairitu will enjoy this
>>>> Â
>>>> On 03/25/2013 09:17 AM, Alex Stanley wrote:
>>>>> Until now, I've always been too timid to root my phone, fearing that I 
>>>>> would surely brick it. But, my grudge against factory bloatware, Slacker 
>>>>> Radio in particular, got the better of me. So, this morning, I used this 
>>>>> to root my Galaxy S2:
>>>>> I then bought Root Explorer and used it to completely nuke Slacker Radio 
>>>>> from my phone.
>>>>> My phone has more than enough app space, so it doesn't bother me that 
>>>>> there are apps I don't use that take up space and get updated. But, 
>>>>> Slacker Radio did an update a while back, and then out of nowhere, it 
>>>>> sent me an alert about its new features. WTF? The only time I want to 
>>>>> hear my phone make that sound is if I get a text message or an incoming 
>>>>> Gmail.
>>>>> Does this mean there's a custom ROM in my future? I don't know... depends 
>>>>> on how badly I want Jelly Bean. US Cellular is very slow in getting 
>>>>> Android updates, and I only upgraded to Ice Cream Sandwich a few months 
>>>>> ago. I'll be getting a 4G LTE phone in October (most likely the Galaxy 
>>>>> S4), and it would be really stupid of me to brick my phone only months 
>>>>> away from qualifying for a new one. And, from what I've read, it sounds 
>>>>> like rooting a stock ROM is all I really need.
>>>> I got my phone from Google and the updates come out shortly after
>>>> release.  I'm current with Jelly Bean right now.
>>>> T-Mobile is making waves in the tech world by doing away with
>>>> contracts.  I have their $30 a month plan but then I don't use the phone
>>>> much for talk and get 5GB data.  Contract phones are a scam and mainly
>>>> only known in the US.  In other countries you buy your phone outright
>>>> and and use whatever carrier you want.  Of course Turq will probably
>>>> tell us that France has unlimited talk, texting and data for the
>>>> equivalent of $20 a month. :-D
>>>> The $30 a month plan I have is a prepay and has been only available from
>>>> T-Mobile online or from Walmart.

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