"If TM has failed you, has anything else taken its place and succeeded in 
whatever it is you are aiming at? Techniques and practices have a 
lifetime. Like a multi-stage rocket, where the lower stages fall away to get 
the payload in orbit, at some point spiritual machinations wear 
thin. But by then one should be close to a significant result."

Well, I have done other meditations but I have decided that "enlightenment" as 
defined by Marshy and even by the vedas is a bit of a fantasy - so I have no 
spiritual goal as such except to behave well in life, which my parents taught 
me anyway so.......

 From: Xenophaneros Anartaxius <anartax...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2013 10:21 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM Being Special

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@...> wrote:
> Some time ago I posed the question that if, as Marshy always claimed, TM is 
> better, superior to all other meditations, how can that be so, what makes TM 
> special?
> In addition to being reviled for supposedly setting up a condition which 
> would allow me to take shots at the TMO, I was told that it was not the 
> mantras that are successful, but rather the fantastic instruction on how to 
> use said mantras.
> Complete horseshit. If that were the case, then you really could use any word 
> as long as you used it the way Marshy told everyone to use his mantras. And 
> we know that ain't right. 
> The mantras are as good as any others but even you true believers have said 
> the mantras are not superior to others, its the WAY they are used. But if its 
> the instruction, then any word should do, so why have the mantras at all?
> So with TM being special, it has to either be the mantras or the way you use 
> them or a combination - I don't see the instruction as being all that special 
> - its not much different than other meditations including Deepak Chopra's 
> Primordial Sound meditation and others where you are told to just not pay 
> attention to thoughts and bring the awareness back to whatever when you 
> notice you are on a thought.
> Thus we can see quite clearly that the idea that TM is a superior meditation, 
> or as Marshy put it, the "jet plane" to enlightenment is complete nonsense, 
> or to be more precise, a lie.
> Now of course if one believes Mark Landau, then one knows that mantras are 
> repeated to actually receive the blessings of whatever
>  goddess the sound is associated with - in other words its about doing a 
> practice to git something, its about accrual of power, not transcending to 
> gain enlightenment.
> Oh and Richard W, we all know the blabbity blab blab about all things TM 
> coming from some Buddhist temple or other so no need to repeat it.
> And I was not setting up a situation to enable me to revile the Movement - I 
> can do that all on my own. As I have said before, I am willing to believe 
> anything, but not without evidence.
> Thus far, the evidence I have collected has shown me that Marshy was a liar, 
> perhaps well intentioned in the beginning but soon after he left India he 
> allowed himself to be seduced by the blandishments of the ego. 
> The evidence I have also shows me that TM is a decent meditation, but no more 
> special than anything else available and yet most of the claims made for it 
> are false, such as enlightenment accruing from said practice and ability to 
> fly etc, also all claims made of TM Sidhis are false (like world peace).
> The evidence is that TM has caused many problems on multiple levels for 
> thousands of people, and that thousands of others have ceased the practice 
> due to many reasons. 
> Other evidence is that long term practice doesn't lead to any kind of 
> superlative behavior as demonstrated by the TMO leaders and managers. Given 
> the downside of TM, the evidence is that other meditations are far superior 
> to TM since few of them have the kind of baggage that TM has.
If TM has failed you, has anything else taken its place and succeeded in 
whatever it is you are aiming at? Techniques and practices have a lifetime. 
Like a multi-stage rocket, where the lower stages fall away to get the payload 
in orbit, at some point spiritual machinations wear thin. But by then one 
should be close to a significant result.


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